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PIIRS FY19: Update on the preparations of the FY19 data collection process MEL Community of Practice June 3, 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "PIIRS FY19: Update on the preparations of the FY19 data collection process MEL Community of Practice June 3, 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 PIIRS FY19: Update on the preparations of the FY19 data collection process MEL Community of Practice June 3, 2019

2 The MEL agenda these days
From MEL to MEAL: Approach, 7 principles, 7 standards MEAL minimum package MEL for Advocacy Global and Supplementary Indicators Markers PIIRS FY19 Sensemaking PIIRS FY18 Evaluation Library MEL/PIIRS training in regions, countries, etc. Mapping of MEL capacities MEL Community of Practice Next session: Outcome Harvesting June 9, 2019

3 We continue generating three types of data
How many projects do we implement around the world? What sectors do we focus on? How many people do we reach? To what extent do we incorporate key programmatic elements? REACH STAFF COUNTRY WHAT What changes (impacts/outcomes) do we contribute to? (Global indicators) HOW What are the most successful strategies that drive that change? What are we learning about CARE’s contribution to change? IMPACT/OUTCOMES

4 Primary users of the data
Why we do it Primary users of the data Inform the general public, donors, staff and others, on the breadth and depth of CARE’s work. Track progress in our organizational commitments Allow CARE staff to obtain and summarize data, for uses inside and outside the organization. Allow CARE staff to learn from their work and what others are doing. Motivate the improvement of quality in our information, globally. HQ Country Region $$$ External Project

5 Preparing the FY19 PIIRS cycle
FY19 PIIRS - building on the process from FY18 and previous FYs and incorporating changes/improvements that are critical-feasible. Digitized/Expanded PIIRS – making important technical and structural changes for an optimized/improved PIIRS process and tools (support from CARE USA and involvement of different parts of the CARE world, starting in FY20).

Meaningful utilization of the data Tailored reporting for multiple audiences Participatory validation/quality of data Feedback from CARE offices to PIIRS Timely data reporting from 90+ countries and 900+ projects Annual process preparation: training, guidance, coordination. REACH and COUNTRY data IMPACT/OUTCOMES Mid July – Mid September October November onwards March - June Mid July – Mid September BUT can also be submitted any time during the FY October – November – December January onwards Meaningful utilization of the data Tailored reporting for multiple audiences Participatory validation/quality of data Feedback from CARE offices to PIIRS Timely data reporting from projects Annual process preparation: training, guidance, coordination.

7 Dissemination and Sensemaking of FY18 data
IMPACT Compilation FY15 – FY18 STAFF data FY15 - FY18 REACH Pre-defined summaries FY18 REACH “Do your own analysis” FY18 REACH Program Quality spiders

8 1. Dissemination and Sensemaking of FY18 data
Global - All CARE December 2018 Global: Program Strategy Team: Outcome and Approach leads and MEL specialists  1 February   Regional: MENA MPLT  5 February   Regional: Asia and the Pacific Program Leadership Team (CARE USA and CARE Australia offices)  12 February   Regional: LAC Regional Leadership Team and PQ Team  9 January (reach) / 11 February (impact)  Global: Advocacy Team CARE USA  11 February  Global: CARE Emergency Team (Geneva)  Global: CARE International Supervisory Board  15 February  CMP/LM: CARE Canada  22 February  Global: CI MEL Community of Practice  25 February  Regional: MENA - MEAL Working Group  27 February  Global: Advocacy Working Group  Regional: ECSA – Regional Leadership Team  5 March  CMP/LM: CARE USA Board  CMP/LM: Global Management Team CARE USA  6 March  Regional: West Africa Program Leadership Team  11 March  Regional: Southern Africa MEAL group  14 March  CMO/LM: CARE UK MEL and WEE MEL: Gender marker scores   15 March  Global: National Directors Committee   20 March  Global: LFFV Working Group – All CARE  27 March  Global: SRHR Global sensemaking session  20 May 

9 2. Organized feedback: 100+ recommendations provided from across the CARE world
The questions currently asked and their guidance The technical challenges filling or submitting the forms New questions we need to incorporate to PIIRS The support provided during the reporting process The organization of the validation process and roles of different actors Translations …… The change/addition  Solves a problem from PIIRS FY18 tools/process.  Is in line with CARE 2020 Program Strategy or other policies.  No other data system can provide this data.  Not a major change in the current design/programming of the PIIRS structure.  Does not add massively to the workload of colleagues reporting data.  Is very concrete (a concrete question, not just a broad topic) and its collection and use has been discussed or piloted.

10 3. Agreeing on the platform: Excel and SharePoint remain our main platform
For the helicopter: we´ll need to explore options that work within our IT-technology environment (e.g. SharePoint Forms, Azure, etc., etc.) and allow for faster and more ways of processing of data (with double counting, without double counting), creation of visuals “DIY”, potentially more frequency of data in CERTAIN questions, etc.

11 Staff and board composition Climate-smart practices (carbon footprint)
4.a. The forms: COUNTRY (ENG-ESP-FR) Type of Presence and contact info (Section 1, 2 and 3) Staff and board composition (Section 4) Gender pay gap (Section 5) Climate-smart practices (carbon footprint) (Section 6) Women Men Non-binary Other Mean Median For the helicopter: probably continue adding more disaggregation categories (age, other) or more Policy-related questions related to PSHEA (training, recruiting, signing of code of conduct, etc.) For new questions: fill all you can and work on adjusting your systems

12 Staff and board composition Climate-smart practices (carbon footprint)
4.a. The forms: COUNTRY (ENG-ESP-FR) Type of Presence and contact info (Section 1, 2 and 3) Staff and board composition (Section 4) Gender pay gap (Section 5) Climate-smart practices (carbon footprint) (Section 6) Women Men Non-binary Other Mean Median For the helicopter: probably continue adding more disaggregation categories (age, other) or more Policy-related questions related to PSHEA (training, recruiting, signing of code of conduct, etc.) For new questions: fill all you can and work on adjusting your systems

13 Staff and board composition Climate-smart practices (carbon footprint)
4.a. The forms: COUNTRY (ENG-ESP-FR) Type of Presence and contact info (Section 1, 2 and 3) Staff and board composition (Section 4) Gender pay gap (Section 5) Climate-smart practices (carbon footprint) (Section 6) Women Men Non-binary Other Mean Median For the helicopter: probably continue adding more disaggregation categories (age, other) or more Policy-related questions related to PSHEA (training, recruiting, signing of code of conduct, etc.) For new questions: fill all you can and work on adjusting your systems

14 Staff and board composition Climate-smart practices (carbon footprint)
4.a. The forms: COUNTRY (ENG-ESP-FR) Type of Presence and contact info (Section 1, 2 and 3) Staff and board composition (Section 4) Gender pay gap (Section 5) Climate-smart practices (carbon footprint) (Section 6) Women Men Non-binary Other Mean Median For the helicopter: probably continue adding more disaggregation categories (age, other) or more Policy-related questions related to PSHEA (training, recruiting, signing of code of conduct, etc.) For new questions: fill all you can and work on adjusting your systems

15 4.b. The forms: REACH (ENG-ESP-FR)
Project-initiative design (Section 1) Sectors and participants reached in the FY (Section 2) Strategy – PQ elements in the FY (Section 3) Abbreviation/acronym Modality of implementation In-kind assistance Service delivery Cash transfers/Vouchers Technical Assistance to other organizations Advocacy-influencing Mass communication for behavioural change / Mass campaigning Guidance on defining participants reached for each modality Sectors 12 humanitarian 17 development VSLA section Cash and Voucher Assistance Evaluation Advocacy / Innovation / Scale up Markers: Gender Governance, Resilience Climate change Partnership / Civil Society Strengthening Best Strategies and Learning Links to documents Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms Engaging men and boys Consortium Partners: organizations that have an explicit purpose of advancing women’s rights Gender Marker new updated guidance / Resilience Marker new drop-down menus instead of buttons For the helicopter: probably continue adding more disaggregation categories for participants (age, other), other questions (PSHEA) and a much more dynamic form, structure in modules so that we can hide/display and control for inconsistencies better

16 4.b. The forms: REACH (ENG-ESP-FR)
Project-initiative design (Section 1) Sectors and participants reached in the FY (Section 2) Strategy – PQ elements in the FY (Section 3) Abbreviation/acronym Modality of implementation In-kind assistance Service delivery Cash transfers/Vouchers Technical Assistance to other organizations Advocacy-influencing Mass communication for behavioural change / Mass campaigning Guidance on defining participants reached for each modality Sectors 12 humanitarian 17 development VSLA section Cash and Voucher Assistance Evaluation Advocacy / Innovation / Scale up Markers: Gender Governance, Resilience Climate change Partnership / Civil Society Strengthening Best Strategies and Learning Links to documents Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms Engaging men and boys Consortium Partners: organizations that have an explicit purpose of advancing women’s rights Gender Marker new updated guidance / Resilience Marker new drop-down menus instead of buttons For the helicopter: probably continue adding more disaggregation categories for participants (age, other), other questions (PSHEA) and a much more dynamic form, structure in modules so that we can hide/display and control for inconsistencies better

17 4.b. The forms: REACH (ENG-ESP-FR)
Project-initiative design (Section 1) Sectors and participants reached in the FY (Section 2) Strategy – PQ elements in the FY (Section 3) Abbreviation/acronym Modality of implementation In-kind assistance Service delivery Cash transfers/Vouchers Technical Assistance to other organizations Advocacy-influencing Mass communication for behavioural change / Mass campaigning Guidance on defining participants reached for each modality Sectors 12 humanitarian 17 development VSLA section Cash and Voucher Assistance Evaluation Advocacy / Innovation / Scale up Markers: Gender Governance, Resilience Climate change Partnership / Civil Society Strengthening Best Strategies and Learning Links to documents Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms Engaging men and boys Consortium Partners: organizations that have an explicit purpose of advancing women’s rights Gender Marker new updated guidance / Resilience Marker new drop-down menus instead of buttons For the helicopter: probably continue adding more disaggregation categories for participants (age, other), other questions (PSHEA) and a much more dynamic form, structure in modules so that we can hide/display and control for inconsistencies better

18 4.b. The forms: REACH (ENG-ESP-FR)
Project-initiative design (Section 1) Sectors and participants reached in the FY (Section 2) Strategy – PQ elements in the FY (Section 3) Abbreviation/acronym Modality of implementation In-kind assistance Service delivery Cash transfers/Vouchers Technical Assistance to other organizations Advocacy-influencing Mass communication for behavioural change / Mass campaigning Guidance on defining participants reached for each modality Sectors 12 humanitarian 17 development VSLA section Cash and Voucher Assistance Evaluation Advocacy / Innovation / Scale up Markers: Gender Governance, Resilience Climate change Partnership / Civil Society Strengthening Best Strategies and Learning Links to documents Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms Engaging men and boys Consortium Partners: organizations that have an explicit purpose of advancing women’s rights All the questions in Orange being discussed Fill all that makes sense to your unitiative

19 Impact data - global indicators
4.c. The forms: IMPACT – OUTCOMES (ENG-ESP-FR) General information (Section 1) Impact data - global indicators (Section 2) Abbreviation/acronym Details on donor(s), lead members and % funding From Poverty and Social Injustice to Income Poverty and Access to Basic Services Indicator 3: access to basic services identification: basic infrastructure services (water and sanitation), social services (education), other. Humanitarian Added # people affected Indicator 4: each indicator now has HH size question, exact indicator used and size of impact calculation. Influencing policies, budgets & programs(indicator 20) Link to the compilation of advocacy wins/AIIR tools in the CARE world, to date “outcome materialization” question to assess the extent to which the advocacy/influencing win has materialized in a policy/practice change For the helicopter: probably continue adding more disaggregation categories for participants impacted (age, other), a much more dynamic form, structure in modules so that we can hide/display and control for inconsistencies better and more specific space for supplementary indicators (WASH+, education, etc.)

20 Impact data - global indicators
4.c. The forms: IMPACT – OUTCOMES (ENG-ESP-FR) General information (Section 1) Impact data - global indicators (Section 2) Abbreviation/acronym Details on donor(s), lead members and % funding From Poverty and Social Injustice to Income Poverty and Access to Basic Services Indicator 3: access to basic services identification: basic infrastructure services (water and sanitation), social services (education), other. Humanitarian Added # people affected Indicator 4: each indicator now has HH size question, exact indicator used and size of impact calculation. Influencing policies, budgets & programs(indicator 20) Link to the compilation of advocacy wins/AIIR tools in the CARE world, to date “outcome materialization” question to assess the extent to which the advocacy/influencing win has materialized in a policy/practice change For the helicopter: probably continue adding more disaggregation categories for participants impacted (age, other), a much more dynamic form, structure in modules so that we can hide/display and control for inconsistencies better and more specific space for supplementary indicators (WASH+, education, etc.)

21 5. Support during the reporting period (ENG-ESP-FR)
Exploring translations to Arabic

22 How do we all contribute without duplicating effort?
5. Our biggest challenge: Roles during the data reporting and validation process How do we all contribute without duplicating effort? Outcome/Approach MEAL specialist CO ACD-P LM Program Manager CO Project Manager PIIRS team member CMP Program Manager CO MEAL specialist

23 Next step: Mid July - launching of the process
Meaningful utilization of the data Tailored reporting for multiple audiences Participatory validation/quality of data Feedback from CARE offices to PIIRS Timely data reporting from 90+ countries and 900+ projects Annual process preparation: training, guidance, coordination. REACH and COUNTRY data IMPACT/OUTCOMES Mid July – Mid September October November onwards March - June Mid July – Mid September BUT can also be submitted any time during the FY October – November – December January onwards Meaningful utilization of the data Tailored reporting for multiple audiences Participatory validation/quality of data Feedback from CARE offices to PIIRS Timely data reporting from projects Annual process preparation: training, guidance, coordination.

24 If you have questions or need to discuss more about different aspects of PIIRS
MEL group members with specialists from Outcome, Approach teams, CMPs, Regions, etc.. If you want to be added to the listserv of the CI MEL Community of Practice, please sign up MEL capacity mapping – members of the MEL Community of Practice


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