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Introduction to Geology

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1 Introduction to Geology

2 Standards Examine investigations of current interest in science

3 What is Geology? Student answers

4 What is Geology? Geology is the science that studies Earth
how it was born how it evolved how it works

5 Earth is an Active Place
As you sit in this room right now: Volcanoes are erupting & earthquakes are shaking Mountains are being pushed up and are being worn down Glaciers are moving Rivers are carrying sand & mud to the sea Huge slabs of Earth’s surface, called tectonic plates, are slowly moving

6 Why is Geology Important?
Recent short-lived concerns (hazards) – events (usually unpredictable) that pose a threat to human life. Examples:

7 Pinatubo Volcano that erupted in Philippines in 1991
722 killed, thousands evacuated

8 Mt. St. Helens Volcano erupted in Washington in 1980 63 killed

9 Northridge 6.7 magnitude earthquake in S. CA in 1994 61 killed

10 Kobe 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Japan in 1995 >5000 killed

11 Indian Ocean 9.2 magnitude earthquake in 2004, produced tsunami that killed >275,000 people

12 JAPAN March 11, 2011 Magnitude 9.0 Tsunami heights of up to 133 ft
(*Run up) > 15,000 deaths Nuclear power plant meltdowns

13 Why is Geology Important?
Future short-lived concerns – events that could occur in the future. Examples:

14 Jemez Mountains Why a concern? Explosive type volcano

15 Yellowstone Why is it a concern?
Large caldera volcano – eruptions of size never before seen

16 Dams Why a concern? Fill up with sediment

17 San Andreas Fault Why a concern?
Movement along fault causes earthquakes

18 Cascade Volcanoes Why a concern?
Explosive type volcanoes near populated areas

19 Tsunamis Why a concern? Can devastate coastal areas

20 Landslides Why a concern? People build on and below unstable slopes

21 Why is Geology Important?
Long-term concerns Exs: Environment Earth resources (oil, coal, metals, fresh water…) Planet earth is our home

22 Geology has many subdivisions
Geophysics – study of Earth’s interior Paleontology – study of fossils & life history Seismology – study of earthquakes Planetary geology – study of geology of other planets Hydrogeology – study of water resources Volcanology – study of volcanoes Geomorphology – study of landforms Etc.

23 Principle of Uniformitarianism
The most basic geologic principle. Says that the geologic processes we see in action today have worked in much the same way throughout geologic time. Also stated as: “the present is the key to the past” Ex: the way a river transports sediments today is the same way a river transported sediments in the past.

24 Photos

25 Amethyst Photo: John Betts Fine Minerals

26 Calcite on Fluorite Photo: John Betts Fine Minerals

27 Emerald Photo: John Betts Fine Minerals

28 Opal Photo: John Betts Fine Minerals

29 Rhodocrosite Photo: John Betts Fine Minerals

30 Glacier Bay Lechuguilla, NM
Photo: NOVA. Mysterious Life of Caves

31 Chandelier Ballroom, Lechuguilla, NM
Photo: NOVA. Mysterious Life of Caves

32 Glacier Way, Lechuguilla, NM
Photo: NOVA. Mysterious Life of Caves

33 Mt. Fuji, Japan

34 Mt. Etna, Italy

35 Popocateptl, Mexico Photo: Volcano World.

36 Soufriere Hills, Montserrat

37 Icelandic Volcano & Aurora

38 Kilauea, Hawaii Photo: USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

39 Kilauea, Hawaii Photo: USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

40 Kilauea, Hawaii Photo: USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

41 Pu’uO’o Crater, Kilauea
Photo: USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. Pu’uO’o Crater, Kilauea

42 Mt. St. Helens Photo: USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory

43 Mt. St. Helens Photo: USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory
Mt. St. Helens

44 Sulfur Springs, St. Lucia
Photo: Linda Brown

45 Mt. Everest, Nepal

46 Annapurna, Nepal

47 Himalayas, Nepal

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