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PCC Evening 11 February 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "PCC Evening 11 February 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCC Evening 11 February 2016

2 Agenda Safeguarding Structures and Team Safeguarding Services
Key Safeguarding Documents Useful Documents Thinking through some examples HR Services Useful Contacts

3 Why do we ‘Safeguard’? Also built on legislation, guidance and events – For children - Children Act 2004, section 11 Working Together 2013 Every Child Matters Outcomes, 2004 Bichard Enquiry, 2004 Victoria Climbie death, 2000 VC - 8 year old girl died in Haringey. Had only lived here for 18 months but was in contact with 3 local authorities and 3 churches. Number of adults could have acted but it was a taxi driver who took action. Everyone else thought someone else knew of concerns. Lord Laming report followed – found 12 opportunities where her death could have been prevented. Children Act - safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Need to be arrangements for recruitment, training, dealing with offenders.

4 Diocesan Safeguarding Structures
Diocesan Safeguarding Steering Group Diocesan Safeguarding Team Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser Clergy Safeguarding Supports Authorised Listeners CCPAS Description of all and how they fit together Mention of external links with statutory services

5 The wider safeguarding team
Clergy Safeguarding Supports Church Safeguarding Officers Evidence Checkers Children Champions Authorised Listeners CCPAS Description of all and how they fit together Mention of external links with statutory services

6 Diocesan Safeguarding Services
DBS Clear Blemished Advisory Helpline Webpages Risk Assessments Training Online Basic Refresher Outline of the 3 strands Confirmation

7 Our Service – Statistics
Service Area Figures Safeguarding Helpline Average of 78 queries a month DBS Over 2000 a year, between 1.5-2% blemished Training 1763 in one year Offender Management c.40 at any time Case Management Between being managed in a month Use of website (April 2015-present) 24,700 hits in total 3,100 on Safeguarding policy Page 1531 document downloads from the policy page

8 Key Safeguarding Documents
Policy Flow chart Guidance Notes Protecting All Gods Children 2010 Promoting a Safe Church Intention not to talk through each one but to reference how they can be found and utilised if needed. Show webpage Protecting All God’s Children, 2010) and safeguarding adults policy (Promoting a Safe Church, 2006)


10 Thinking through some examples…
A man in his 30’s who is a church warden was accused three months ago of inappropriate touching by three members of the youth club. The girls are friends and regarded as troubled. The police were contacted by the mother of one of the girls and a police investigation is underway. One of the girls is particularly distressed. Under pressure from the Archdeacon, a covenant of care group has been set up comprising of the vicar, another church warden and a member of the PCC. All are male and have known the alleged offender for many years as he has been brought up in the church. They feel out of their depth and left down by ‘the system’. The covenant of care group is meeting with the man but has not written a contract. The DSA is now aware and is supporting this. The Vicar wants to do the right thing but is not sure what the right thing is – this is new territory. Think through together what the role of the Clergy Safeguarding Support might be here

11 Thinking through some examples…
A young woman called Jo joined the church 4 months ago and offered to be a leader of the crèche and up to 5’s group. She was readily accepted because of the lack of numbers in leading the children’s groups. Within the last month, two of the children have become distressed when being taken to the group and last week one of them told her mum at bedtime that JoJo pokes me. The mother is a member at church and has approached the safeguarding coordinator about this. The coordinator plans to refer to Children’s Services but the vicar is reluctant because the evidence seems very flimsy, being only the word of a young child. The vicar points to the skills of Jo and what the implications would be if a referral was made. There is no safeguarding policy in place and no safer recruitment steps have been taken. This is not reluctance on the part of the Vicar but a feeling of being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks. Think through together what the role of the Clergy Safeguarding Support might be here

12 Useful Contacts Safeguarding Advisers
Annette Gordon – Tel: Margaret McMahon – Tel: (Tuesday and Friday, 08:00 – 16:30) Safeguarding general Safeguarding web pages: Emergency contact for out of office hours – CCPAS 24 hour helpline: Adult/children social services Think through together

13 Human Resources Our services for parishes; HR Audit HR Webpage
HR Helpline

14 HR Audit Recruitment and Selection Pre-employment Checks
Employee Files Contractual Status Diversity Performance Management Employee Relations Leadership and Capability Safeguarding

15 HR Webpages How to… Templates… Training… Ask HR…

16 HR Helpline Monday to Friday – 9am – 3.30pm

17 What is new? Shared Parental Leave Adoption Rights Parental Leave
National Living Wage National Minimum Wage (penalty £20,000) Basic rates of SMP, SPP, SAP, SSP Zero based hours contracts Gender Pay reporting Shared Parental Leave Adoption Rights Parental Leave Apprenticeships Immigration Bill Fit for Work

18 Useful Information Human Resources Colette Black – Tel: HR general HR web pages: HR helpline: , open from 9.30am to 3pm Monday to Friday

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