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Protection Market Sales Equifax Touchstone Protection Market Sales.

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3 Protection Market Sales
Equifax Touchstone Protection Market Sales

4 What do protection sales look like over the last 3 years?
Q1 18 v Q4 17 Crit. Illness -4.8% Decreasing Term with CI -9.9% Income Prot. -6.8% Mortgage Term -9.2% Relevant Life +66.9% Term +4.7% Term with Critical Illness -0.6% Whole of Life +16.4% Grand total +0.9% Commercial in confidence — EQUIFAX TOUCHSTONE

5 How does this compare to the wealth market…
Q1 18 v Q4 17 Investment -7% Pensions -15% Protection +1% Commercial in confidence — EQUIFAX TOUCHSTONE

6 Which channels fair best from protection sales?
66% 18% Q1 18 v Q4 17 Banking +1.3% Employee Benefits +2.2% Generalist +4.2% National -17.2% New Build -11.0% Spec. Equity Release % but tiny part of market but maybe one to watch Spec. Indiv. Pension +2.9% Spec. Investment -14.7% Spec. Protection +2.55% but they control 2/3rds of the market (Top 20 control 20% of market) Commercial in confidence — EQUIFAX TOUCHSTONE

7 How many Intermediary firms are active in the protection market?
Active Firm numbers broadly the same Commercial in confidence — EQUIFAX TOUCHSTONE

8 What percentage of protection do the top 100 firms write?
Previous Split Top % Next % Rest 34% Commercial in confidence — EQUIFAX TOUCHSTONE

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