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Upgrading the portal and its services

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1 Upgrading the portal and its services
EMODnet Chemistry 3 – Final Meeting – Madrid, Spain 30 January 2019) Dick M.A. Schaap MARIS

2 EMODnet Chemistry Portal

3 Portal services CDI Data Discovery and Access service giving facilities for searching and retrieving chemistry source data sets OceanBrowser Viewing service giving facilities for viewing, browsing and downloading of Chemistry data products (collections and DIVA maps) Sextant Products Catalogue service giving facilities for searching and downloading of Chemistry data products and viewing through the link with the OceanBrowser viewing service Advanced viewing services giving facilities for generating and viewing dynamic plots of time series and profiles of selected parameters from data sets, selected from the harmonised, aggregated and validated data collections; integrated with OceanBrowser. 3

4 CDI Discovery and Access
4 CDI search interface

5 CDI Discovery and Access
5 CDI browse interface

6 CDI – Discovery and Access
6 CDI matrix substance groups by MSFD regions

7 CDI service – latest developments
Using the CDI matrix of substances versus MSFD regions a set of OGC WMS- WFS services was configured These are shared with the EMODnet Central portal and its GeoViewer to illustrate the coverage of data sets in EMODnet Chemistry by a series of maps WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=getcapabilities WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetFeatureInfo&FORMAT=image%2Fpng &TRANSPARENT=true&QUERY_LAYERS=acidity&LAYERS=acidity&INFO_FO RMAT=text%2Fhtml&FEATURE_COUNT=20&I=68&J=79&WIDTH=256&HEIGH T=256&CRS=EPSG%3A900913&STYLES=&BBOX= %2C %2C %2C 7

8 Portal – CDI latest developments

9 CDI service – SeaDataCloud developments underway
Syntactic and semantic check with OCTOPUS of unrestricted ODV files with active feedback loop to data providers Complete new user interface Elastic search for full and fast free text search Will include extra map layers and CDI tagging: 1* Sea areas => vocab C19  - update of polygons and improved search underway 2* MSFD regions and subregions - operational 3* HELCOM regions => see 4* OSPAR regions and subregions => see 5* ICES Eco Regions => see 9

10 Portal – Sextant Products catalogue
Metadata DOIs Links to viewing and downloading More by Erwinn - IFREMER 10

11 Portal – OceanBrowser 11 More by Alexander - ULiege

12 Portal – Advanced Viewing

13 Portal – Advanced services - developments
Upgrading of plots of observations in response to Board of Experts Amending the database for latest harmonised data collections Preparing an API for giving controlled access to subsets of collections (unrestricted and restricted) More by Giorgio - Deltares 13

14 Development of pilot VRE
As part of SeaDataCloud progress is made for a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) It includes development of online components for ODV (AWI) and DIVA (ULiege) In the next phase of EMODnet Chemistry these will be adopted also for use by regional coordinators for quality control as well as producing DIVA maps 14


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