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Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, August 29th 2018

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1 Make it a Great Day! Wednesday, August 29th 2018
*Good Things* Opening Warm-up: Please silently read the last paragraph on pg Use the blank side of your notecard to write one main/“magnet” word in the middle. Then, reread the same paragraph and write four words that are “attracted” to the magnet word in each corner. Lastly, turn your notecard over to the lined side and write a single sentence that summarizes the paragraph and explains the connection between each of the five words from the other side. Example: Work Session: Lesson 8 – Migration to the United States: The Impact on People & Places 8.1 – Introduction – pg. 119 & 8.2 – The Geographic Setting – pg. 120 – together GeoTerms – individually 8.3 – Push Factors Drive Emigration – pgs & 8.4 – Pull Factors Draw Immigration – pgs – paired reading 8.5 – How does Immigration Affect the U.S.? – pgs & 8.6 – How does Emigration Affect the Homelands People Leave Behind? – pgs – paired reading 8.7 – Beginning to Think Globally – pg. 127 & 8.8 – Global Connections – pgs together Essential Question(s): How does migration affect the lives of people and the character of places? SSWG 2a 4cd Closing Cool-down: Describe at least one way migration affects you and where you live. Materials you will need: Writing Utensil & Geography Notebook Partner Lesson 8 – Migration to the United States: The Impact on People & Places Textbook – pgs

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