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Welcome to Oldway! Please help yourself to refreshments…

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Oldway! Please help yourself to refreshments…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Oldway! Please help yourself to refreshments…

2 Expectations and Target Setting (S4, S6)
Professional Studies Expectations and Target Setting (S4, S6)

3 By the end of this session:
Developed understanding of how to set high expectations, AfL and target setting in day-to-day teaching Increased knowledge of administration and arrangements for End of Key Stage SATs Developed understanding of whole-school target setting and expectations Developed understanding of local and national target setting and expectations

4 Personalised Learning

5 What is expected from you?
Have high expectations of children and young people including a commitment to ensuring they achieve their full educational potential Have knowledge and understanding of a range of teaching, learning and behaviour management strategies….for all learners to achieve their potential Know assessment requirements and arrangements Know a range of approaches to assessment – formative and summative Know how to use local and national statistical information to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching Understand how children and young people develop Know how to make effective personalised provision, inc. EAL, SEN, G&T Know how to identify and support children whose progress, development or well-being is affected by changes or difficulties Plan for progression Plan opportunities to extend and consolidate learning Build on prior knowledge Make effective use of a range of assessment, monitoring and recording strategies Provide feedback (for pupils, parents and colleagues) Guide learners to reflect on their learning Establish a clear framework for classroom discipline

6 What is ‘high expectations’?
Good behaviour management / conditions for learning AfL, assessment of previous learning Feedback (oral, non-verbal or written) Target setting Range of learning and teaching styles, inc. coperative, collaborative and independent Flexible use of resources, inc. TAs Knowledge of ‘whole child’ and family background Clear outcomes shared: what does ‘good’ look like? Share (challenging) objectives Awareness of learning steps and skills needed Flexible timing (where appropriate) Range of differentiation strategies Link skills to previous areas of learning ‘Edge of challenge’ Perseverance and effort praised as well as outcome (AfL)


8 Assessment in Everyday Practice

9 Assessment For Learning
Assessment for learning is effective when pupils: show changes in their attitudes to learning and in their motivation, self-esteem, independence, initiative and confidence show changes in their responses to questions, in contributions to plenary sessions, and in explanations and descriptions improve their attainment ask relevant questions, inc. “I don’t understand how to do this!” or make links to previous learning are actively involved in formative assessment processes, e.g. setting targets, peer or self-assessment, recognising progress in their work, skills, knowledge and understanding.

10 Assessment For Learning
To effectively use assessment for learning teachers need to: know their pupils well, note mistakes , errors and misunderstanding, know why pupils make mistakes, and be able to make judgements about next steps or interventions share learning intentions with pupils and use them to mark work or give feedback or rewards build in review time for themselves and their pupils encourage pupils to take responsibility for their learning by providing opportunities for pupils to describe their response to learning intentions or targets, the strategies they use and the judgements they make in relation to their progress give pupils examples of a variety of skills, attitudes, standards and qualities to aim for analyse pupils' progress and performance (in tests) regularly and use the information for future planning and interventions feel confident and secure in classroom practice create a classroom environment that promotes independence and celebrates process as well as outcome

11 How? Observation Marking of work Formative use of summative assessment
Questioning Discussion Followed by feedback appropriate to the child’s learning needs. Research shows oral feedback is more effective than written feedback!

12 Maths film clip...?

13 Misconceptions / Barriers
Why does Mark always spell ‘becuase’? When calculating , why does Lola still count on in ones ? Why does Ethan’s mum always complain about not receiving letters or lost jumpers? Why is Louise always the last to be chosen by the other children in her class? Why does Jack write ‘3’ as ‘free’ How did the CT find these misconceptions? What strategies could be tried?

14 Assessment in Everyday Practice





19 My writing mission!



22 Assessment For Learning
In addition, teachers need to produce plans with: emphasis on learning intentions and on sharing them with pupils and other adults in the classroom assessment criteria for feedback and marking, peer and self-assessment differentiated classroom groups built-in review time and flexibility notes of pupils who need additional or consolidation work time for guided group sessions for explicit formative assessment opportunities adjustments highlighted or crossed out: what did or did not work and why.

23 Assessment For Learning
To effectively use assessment for learning schools need an ethos that: values attitudes to learning and promotes trusting relationships encourages and builds self-esteem believes that all pupils can improve and measures individuals against their own previous attainment instead of against other pupils uses value-added data provides support, guidance and appropriate training for teachers manages change well and includes maintenance systems encourages review and self-evaluation at individual, subject and school level.

24 Level Descriptions and APP
P Levels 4 to 8 P Levels 1 to 3 APP Materials Expected attainment at the end of Year 2: 2b Expected attainment at the end of Year 6: 4b Expected progress: 3 sublevels in two years 1a 1b 1c

25 SATs and Teacher Assessment
Year 2 Sub-levels in: Reading Writing Maths Whole-levels in: Science Speaking and Listening Year 6 Sub-levels in: Reading Writing Maths Science Grammar and Punctuation

26 Levelling Writing Use the APP materials to give an indication of writing level. Remember that several pieces of work in a range of genres should be used! Difficulties / challenges? What support would you need as an NQT?

27 Tracking Progress In Reading
Look at Torbay’s Reading Tracker What other information / evidence could you use to make a summative assessment judgement? How can you build assessment in reading, writing and maths into your daily teaching / termly planning?

28 Classroom Target Setting
Manageable system (independence) ‘Owned’ by the child SMART Linked to attainment, value-added data and whole-school target setting Core subjects (at least) Individual, group and whole-class All areas of learning SEN procedures Other groups, e.g. G&T / pivotal pupils Shared with relevant staff Shared with parents

29 SMART A child who is inaccurate adding two 2-digit numbers
A child that repeatedly uses ‘and’ to connect phrases or clauses. A child that doesn’t want to swim and is extremely anxious

30 Whole-School Target Setting
Data analysis of attainment and value-added progress by Assessment Coordinator and SLT School Improvement Plan Subject Action Plans Raise Online and School Profile – groups and cohorts identified Ofsted action points

31 Whole-School Expectations and Target Setting
SATs data Raise Online NQT Induction / Appraisal targets School Improvement Plan Budget TERMLY Monitoring and assessment of: Subject Action Plans targets Year / Unit / Key Stage targets Performance Review targets Pupil progress / tracking and data (APP, summative assessments) Deployment of support and resources Pupil Tracker

32 External Target Setting
Ofsted Local Authority Teaching School Local initiatives National initiatives Government papers and reports DfE expectations

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