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How to write world class standards

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1 How to write world class standards
Presentation to TC MTS#58 For Information Only Source: ETSI CTI © ETSI All rights reserved

2 WGS Project Internal Secretariat project initiated by the ETSI DG to assist in his objective to improve the technical support provided by the Secretariat to ETSI TBs the technical quality of ETSI deliverables Practical guidelines on how to write good requirements complements existing material Handbook for use by ETSI TB support staff Based on experience further distribution and use may be considered © ETSI All rights reserved

3 Contributors Core editing team
Anthony Wiles, Milan Zoric, Sebastian Mueller John Meredith Steve Randall and Paul Reid (contractors) Review and contributions from experienced staff members, in particular: Adrian Scrase David Boswarthick, Mike Sharpe, Alberto Berrini Gavin Craik, Julian Pritchard Nathalie Martin (editHelp) Brochure production Beverley Wing © ETSI All rights reserved

4 Timeline Kick-off Draft versions Mature draft
October 2012 Draft versions November January 2013 Mature draft February Initial release and trial period March Update and brochure format April Slideset and training material also available © ETSI All rights reserved

5 Scope and Approach Focuses on the way standards should be written to achieve technical quality structure expression of requirements Based on good practice and use of real examples Takes into account different deliverable types Readability of the guidelines is very important Complements, not replaces, other material such as the ETSI Drafting Rules, Rapporteur’s Guide, Validation Guidelines Role of testing is addressed but not a guide on how to write a good test suite Does not cover aspects such as IPR, voting, commercial drivers etc. Not a guide on formal techniques as such but advice is given on when they may best be applied © ETSI All rights reserved

6 ToC (version as of Jan 10th 2013)
2.1 General principles 2.1.1 The purpose of a standard 2.1.2 The target audience of a standard 2.1.3 The content of a standard 2.1.4 Selecting the type of standard 2.2 What makes a standard "World-Class"? 2.2.1 Complete and accurate 2.2.2 Easy to comprehend 2.2.3 What makes a good requirement? 2.3 Standards Development Process 2.3.1 Approve Work Item 2.3.2 Drafting 2.3.3 Validation and review 2.3.4 ETSI Editing process 2.3.5 Approval and publication 2.4 How to structure a standard 2.5 A methodical approach 2.5.1 Using formal notations 2.5.2 Project framework 2.5.3 Levels of completeness 3 How to write good requirements 3.1 Use of ETSI drafting rules 3.2 Constructing good requirements 3.2.1 Necessary requirements 3.2.2 Writing well-structured requirements 3.2.3 Unambiguous requirements 3.2.4 Precise requirements 3.2.5 Complete requirements 3.2.6 Testable requirements 4 Testing 5 Review and Validation 6 Maintenance of Standards Annex A Fuller Examples Annex B Checklist(s) / Aid memoire © ETSI All rights reserved

7 MTS Involvement Not a formal ETSI deliverable so TC approval not necessary but ... ... MTS delegates have wide experience in this subject and their comments would be appreciated Drafts not for general distribution but we can provide them on request © ETSI All rights reserved

8 Thank you! © ETSI All rights reserved

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