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P. Stephen DiJulio 206.447.8971 | Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning April 14, 2009 Kennewick, Washington.

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Presentation on theme: "P. Stephen DiJulio 206.447.8971 | Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning April 14, 2009 Kennewick, Washington."— Presentation transcript:

1 P. Stephen DiJulio 206.447.8971 | Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning April 14, 2009 Kennewick, Washington

2 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning

3 Vista Field – Brief Chronology 1904City of Kennewick 1915Port of Kennewick 1942City Begins Acquisition of Vista Field Properties 1991Vista Field Transferred to Port (By Contract & Contract Addendum)

4 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning Vista Field – Brief Chronology 2002Vista Field Master Plan Update 2006Vista Field Master Plan Update 2008 (March)J.U.B. Technical Memorandum 2008 (July)Vista Field Development Alternatives (Belt-Collins for City)

5 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning

6 Vista Field – Brief Chronology 2008 (May)First Amendment to Airport Contract

7 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning The City and Port amended the Contract in May 2008. The stated intent of the Amendment by Port and City is that it is in the interest of facilitating the Port of Kennewicks consideration of options for future operations at Vista Field Airport, [and] the City of Kennewick and the Port of Kennewick are in agreement that Section 10 of the Airport Contract should be withdrawn and declared void … The Amendment withdrew and declared void Contract Section 10, Continued Airport Operation.

8 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning


10 1.Alternative #1, No Action 2.Alternative #2, Closure 2.1Phased Closure/Contract Completion 2.2Immediate Closure 3.Alternative #3, Expansion of Airport Facilities

11 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning State Environmental Policy Act Chapter 43.21C RCW, and Chapter 197.11 WAC

12 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning WAC 197-11-055 Timing of the SEPA Process (1) Integrating SEPA and agency activities. The SEPA process shall be integrated with agency activities at the earliest possible time to ensure that planning and decisions reflect environmental values, to avoid delays later in the process, and to seek to resolve potential problems.

13 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning WAC 197-11-055 Timing of the SEPA Process (2) Timing of review of proposals. The lead agency shall prepare its threshold determination and environmental impact statement (EIS), if required, at the earliest possible point in the planning and decision-making process, when the principal features of a proposal and its environmental impacts can be reasonably identified. (a) A proposal exists when an agency is presented with an application or has a goal and is actively preparing to make a decision on one or more alternative means of accomplishing that goal and the environmental effects can be meaningfully evaluated.

14 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning WAC 197-11-070 Limitations on Actions During SEPA Process (1) Until the responsible official issues a final determination of nonsignificance or final environmental impact statement, no action concerning the proposal shall be taken by a governmental agency that would: (a) Have an adverse environmental impact; or (b) Limit the choice of reasonable alternatives.

15 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning Port Planning Adoption of Port Harbor Improvement Plan (RCW 53.20.010) It shall be the duty of the port commission of any port district, before creating any improvements hereunder, to adopt a comprehensive scheme of harbor improvement in the port district, after a public hearing thereon...

16 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning Port Planning (cont.) Planning for Airport Property (RCW 14.08.030) Every municipality is hereby authorized, through its governing body, to acquire property, real or personal, for the purpose of establishing, constructing, and enlarging airports and other air navigation facilities and to acquire, establish, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, equip, operate, and regulate such airports and other air navigation facilities and structures and other property incidental to their operation, either within or without the territorial limits of such municipality and within or without this state; to make, prior to any such acquisition, investigations, surveys, and plans;...

17 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning

18 Essential Public Facilities Essential Public Facility (EPF) can be defined as a public or privately operated facility providing public services or publicly funded services that is difficult to site due to, but not limited to its environmental, economic, or social impacts; and that meets the Growth Management Act definition of Essential Public Facility (EPF) at RCW 36.70A.200.

19 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning Essential Public Facilities (cont.) According to RCW 36.70A.200, Essential Public Facilities include those facilities that are typically difficult to site, such as airports, state education facilities and state or regional transportation facilities as defined in RCW 47.06.140...

20 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning Essential Public Facilities Inventoried STATE FACILITIES [sic] 5.Vista Field Airport It is located on the east side of the Columbia Center Blvd., between Grandridge Blvd., and Deschutes Ave. It is currently under the Washington State Airport System Plan (WSASP) but not included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). City of Kennewick transferred the airport land to the Port of Kennewick for the operation of the airport.

21 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning Essential Public Facilities Inventoried (cont.) Developments along the airport vicinity are regulated by the Kennewick Municipal Code (Airport Hazard Zoning, KMC 18.33 ), FAA and WSDOT. However, the area is undergoing rapid development with increasing market demand. After the lease expires, the land use compatibility and protection of airport hazard zone could be altered depending on the appropriate type of use replacing the airport land use.

22 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning Potential Schedule ACTION RESPONSIBLE ENTITY START DATE COMPLETION DATE Consultant SelectionPortMay 2009July 2009 SEPAPortFall 2009Spring 2010 Comp SchemePortFall 2009Spring 2010 City Comp PlanCityFall 2009December 2010* Amend Airport ContractPort/CityDecember 2009

23 Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning

24 P. Stephen DiJulio 206.447.8971 | Port of Kennewick Vista Field Planning April 14, 2009 Kennewick, Washington

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