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Vocabulary 6-10 Wendy Espinoza.

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1 Vocabulary 6-10 Wendy Espinoza

2 Other forms of the word:
Deplore(v) (d-plôr, -plr) Other forms of the word: Deplored, deplores, deploringly Feel or show strong disapproval Many students deplore the idea of homework. A way to remember is that disagree and deplore both begin with “D”

3 Incongruously, incongruousness Not in harmony
Incongruous(adj) \in-käŋ-grə-wəs\ Other forms of word: Incongruously, incongruousness Not in harmony He had a reaction that was incongruous towards his character. Think of incongruous as incompatible meaning that they do not work together

4 Disenfranchise(trans. v)
\ˌdis-in-ˈfran-ˌchīz\ Other forms of word: Disenfranchisement , disenfranchised To prevent the right to vote Women were disenfranchised for many years until the ratification of the 19th amendment. The prefix “dis” means apart or away??

5 Enumerative, enumerate, enumerated, enumerating
Enumeration \i-ˈn(y)ü-mə-ˌrāt\ Other forms of word: Enumerative, enumerate, enumerated, enumerating To name one after the other in a list She had to enumerate all her assignments before she could put them away. A way to remember is that enumeration and numeration both have to do with numbers

6 Lacking sense or understanding
Insensate \(ˌ)in-ˈsen-ˌsāt, -sət\ Other forms of word: insensately Lacking sense or understanding The instruction given on the assignment were insensate, for I did not know where to begin.

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