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Presentation on theme: "NONRENEWABLE AND RENEWABLE RESOURCES"— Presentation transcript:


2 What do you think nonrenewable resources are?
HMMMM.... What do you think nonrenewable resources are? Break it down... Nonrenewable? Resource?

A nonrenewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be re-made or re-grown at a rate faster than its consumption.

4 Nuclear fission uses uranium to create energy.
NUCLEAR ENERGY Nuclear fission uses uranium to create energy. Nuclear energy is a nonrenewable resource because once the uranium is used, it is gone!

5 COAL, PETROLEUM, AND GAS Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are considered nonrenewable because they can not be replenished in a short period of time. These are called fossil fuels.




9 HMMMM.... If nonrenewable resources are resources that cannot be re-made at a scale comparable to its consumption, what are renewable resources?

10 RENEWABLE RESOURCES Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished in a short period of time. ● Solar ● Geothermal ● Wind ● Biomass ● Water

11 Why is energy from the sun renewable?
SOLAR Energy from the sun. Why is energy from the sun renewable?

12 GEOTHERMAL Energy from Earth’s heat.
Why is energy from the heat of the Earth renewable?

13 Why is energy from the wind renewable?

14 BIOMASS Energy from burning organic or living matter.
Why is energy from biomass renewable?

Energy from the flow of water. Why is energy of flowing water renewable?

16 What are the differences between nonrenewable and renewable resources?
SUMMARY What are the differences between nonrenewable and renewable resources?

17 Argumentative Essay You are the mayor of a large city with an increasing population. Your city currently depends mostly on nonrenewable resources. An increasing population means more cars on your roads, more plastic used, and more fuel to heat and cool homes Create a plan to conserve energy resources in your city. In your written plan, be sure to include your cities goals and specific, detailed steps that your city must take in order to conserve energy and extend the use of nonrenewables for future generations. ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY OUTLINE: Introduction: Identify the problem, and explain why it is a problem sentences. Body: Explain your solution and include specific components and details that fix the problem. Include and example from the bean lab sentences. Conclusion: Restate the problem and WHY/HOW your solution solves it. Include an emotional appeal sentences.

18 Greatest Inventions with Bill Nye: Energy
Greatest Inventions-Energy Nothing happens without energy. It powers every machine on Earth and is essential for virtually every activity. Civilization would be impossible without it. In the program, Bill Nye leads us on an electrifying journey to the sources of energy and the technology that enables us to tap into it and distribute it around the world. Topics covered include fossil fuels, internal combustion engines, nuclear power, and alternative energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.

19 Greatest Inventions with Bill Nye: Energy
After viewing the program students will be able to: · Understand the history of energy use; · Understand the law of conservation of energy; · Understand the properties of matter; · Understand how chemical reactions release energy; · Understand the relationship between science and technology.

20 Energy Activity What would your world be like without electricity, buses, cars, or heat? Can you imagine your life without energy? As an experiment, go through the school day, making a list of all the forms of energy you, your friends, and teachers use, then compare notes. As a follow-up to the connection above, think about Katy’s experiment to investigate solar power for a home. Review your list and determine what you can either delete or modify in order to conserve energy. Make a record of your progress without each item.

21 Energy Activity There is a fear that we will eventually deplete our energy sources of coal and oil. Also, these particular resources pollute the environment by creating green house gases. As a matter of fact, we ourselves cause a big part of the pollution because of the cars we drive. Cars burn gasoline and release fumes, thereby releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. For this reason, the automobile industry has been developing ways to use less gas and to be more efficient. They have developed hybrid cars and some electric cars. Research a few vehicles that are better for the environment. Pick which one you feel is the best and create an ad that would entice people to buy it. Have students present their ads to the class and see which car is voted best for the environment.

22 Today, you will research what your energy source has the BEST to offer.
use the following questions as guidelines while researching. Identify 10+ Pros and Cons of using your energy. List hazards and benefits of using your energy. How long will the energy supply last at current use rates? Need to explain HOW your energy works and how it is obtained. Find statistics and safety concerns with using your energy Any interesting facts like environmental impact. By products or other uses for your energy source.

23 CREATE: Slide PPT ONE person in group create a google slide, share it with and your group members. Assign specific parts of research to each group member, who can work on their own slides.

24 COAL RESOURCES: Google: Pros and Cons of coal (advantages/disadvantages) include: Environmental Impact/Pollution cost economic impact on local and national level Clean coal? Renewable/non renewable?

25 OIL Google: pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages) of oil energy
Include: Economic impact efficiency environmental impact how long will the supply last? Renewable/non renewable?

26 Wind Energy Google: pros and cons of wind energy Include:
Economic advantages/disadvantages Social advantages Environmental impact, good and bad Wind turbines, how do they work? Dangers Availability Cost Renewable/non renewable?

27 Geothermal Energy Google: Pros and Cons (advantages and disadvantages) of Include: Where and how it works Reliability? Environmental impact Dangers Availability Cost Renewable/non renewable?

28 Nuclear Energy Google: pros and cons, (advantages/disadvantage)
Include: How nuclear power works Dangers Availability Cost Economic Impact Environmental concerns Renewable/non renewable?

29 Natural Gas Google: Pros and Cons, (advantages/disadvantages) Include:
Enviromental impact Economics / Cost Safety concerns Hazards Benefits Fracking/ what is it? Pros and cons. Renewable/non renewable?

30 SOLAR ENERGY Google: Solar Energy pros and cons, (advantages/disadvantages) Enviromental impact Economics / Cost Safety concerns Hazards Benefits Renewable/non renewable?

31 Biomass Google: pros and cons of biomass Enviromental impact
Economics / Cost Safety concerns Hazards Benefits Renewable/non renewable?

32 Hydro Power Google: pros and cons of hydroelectric (water) power, (advantages/disadvantages) Enviromental impact Economics / Cost Safety concerns Hazards Benefits Renewable/non renewable? How it works


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