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Accessibility Starters: PowerPoint

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Presentation on theme: "Accessibility Starters: PowerPoint"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accessibility Starters: PowerPoint
Sarah Alag Chris Glenn Steve Wettergren

2 Goals of this presentation
Recall why accessibility is important Create accessible PowerPoint presentations

3 USF Accessibility Policy
It is the goal of the University of St. Francis that all course material and web- based information is as accessible as possible to all students. The purpose of the Accessibility Policy is to provide guidelines regarding the proactive design and development of robust websites and courses, regardless of modality, in a format that is easily accessible to all students. By making courses and websites accessible to all students, makes the same content accessible to students with a wide range of disabilities.

4 Making PowerPoint Accessible
Use slide layouts (versus custom designs) Use clear, descriptive titles Keep information concise Create high contrast between text and background Use at least a 12 pt. san-serif font Avoid using tabs and spaces to layout text

5 Making PowerPoint Accessible - Continued
Add Alt Text to images and Tables (and define header row) Speaker notes can make the slide content more clear, but may not transfer to other file types. Use named URLs Check the presentation in Outline mode Run the Accessibility Checker Check reading order

6 Transitions, Animations, and Voiceovers
For Transitions and Animations… Keep it simple Use them if necessary Not a direct accessibility issue, but they can detract from the message For Voiceovers or Presenter presentations… Start with a script Embed the script into the notes section

7 PowerPoint in the Classroom
View the presentation from the student perspective. If you are presenting in class, consider providing the slides to the students in an accessible format. Slides and pdfs can be a challenge. Example.

8 Questions What’s Next? Recorded demos similar to these workshops are being produced this summer Other sessions coming up… Sourcing content – Considerations for Accessibility Canvas and Accessibility Video, Transcripts, Text Alternatives, Oh My! Open to meeting with individual departments or teams to discuss focused issues for your area.

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