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Chapter 15,16 and 17 Vocab.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15,16 and 17 Vocab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15,16 and 17 Vocab

2 To free enslaved people

3 Someone runs away from the law

4 The granting of pardon to a large number of persons

5 Confederate ships that sailed in and out of closed Southern Ports
Blockade Runner

6 A ship covered with thick iron plates.

7 General increase in prices

8 Allowing people to decide issues for themselves
Popular Sovereignty

9 The five states (including new state of West Virginia) that allowed slavery yet remained in the Union when the Confederacy was formed Border States

10 Right of accused individuals to have a hearing before being jailed
Habeas Corpus

11 Conflict between citizens of the same country
Civil War

12 A military force set up in a strong position

13 The paper money printed by North during the Civil War

14 To close ports Blockade

15 A person killed or wounded in battle

16 Union Soldier Yankee

17 A person freed from slavery.

18 War on all aspects of the enemies life
Total War

19 The selection of persons for required military service

20 The reorganization and rebuilding of the former Confederate States after the Civil War.

21 Confederate Soldier Rebel

22 Loyalty to a particular region of a country

23 Money given as a reward; an encouragement for enlisting in the military

24 Name given to Northern whites who moved South after the Civil War and supported the Republicans

25 To leave the Union Secede

26 To not cast votes Abstain

27 Storage place for weapons

28 Proslavery supporters from Missouri who traveled in armed groups into Kansas to vote in the 1855 election Border Ruffians

29 States are independent powers that have the right to make decisions, such as voluntarily leave the Union State’s Rights

30 A person who dies for a great cause

31 Settling by agreement or coming together again.

32 To go on an attack Offensive

33 Withdrawal from the Union

34 To approve Ratify

35 The separation or isolation of a race, class or group

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