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CIS 644 Tues. Nov. 30, 1999 W15A … patterns.

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Presentation on theme: "CIS 644 Tues. Nov. 30, 1999 W15A … patterns."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIS 644 Tues. Nov. 30, W15A … patterns

2 schedule: 30: patterns 2: review for exam 7: design proj 9: design proj exam2

3 patterns: Coad … mostly PD patterns Gamma… mostly implementation patterns

4 Coad#1: collection - worker
actually: worker - users - collection as: clerk - customers - videos

5 Coad#3: Participant- Transaction
Coad#5: SpecificItem - Transaction as: Customer - Rental Video Rental

6 and Coad#6: Transaction - TransLineItem as: Rental <>- RentalLineItem

7 Coad#7: Transaction - SubsequentTrans
as: GrainReservation - TruckDelevery

8 Coad#14: Container - Contents
as: Flight <>- Reservation

9 Coad#18: CompoundPart - Part
same as: Composite - Component where: Component = PrimitiveComponent | Composite

10 Coad#20: Plan - Step (CIS project) as Budget <>- BudgetPeriod

11 Coad#26: Proxy - SpecificItem
as : CachedItem - Item as: LocalItem - ServerItem as: EditPage - SourcePage

12 Coad#27: Publisher - Subscriber
same as: Obervable - Observer as: PD_Item - Item_View

13 Java data structures: [Bailey1999] common "behavior" patterns:
public interface Enumeration { boolean hasMoreElements(); Object nextElement(); } public interface Iterator extends Enumeration { void reset(); Object value();

14 Java examples for three other "behavior" patterns: Terrazas ..visitor pattern Liu command pattern Zhang ... state pattern

15 Coad chap 4: adaptor patterns: as: multiple adaptors multiple thread access

16 diagrams for other Gamma patterns:
http: //

17 Creational Patterns Abstract Factory Builder Factory Method Prototype x Singleton

18 Structural Patterns x Adapter Bridge x Composite Decorator Facade Flyweight x Proxy

19 Behavioural Patterns Chain of Responsibility x Command Interpreter x Iterator Mediator Memento x Observer x State Strategy Template Method x Visitor

20 reusable items: patterns: packages: interface, classes components: frameworks: software tools:

21 End

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