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Unit 5 Task Good Table Mannars.

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1 Unit 5 Task Good Table Mannars

2 Lead-in Look at these people. What are they doing?
Do they behave well? They are eating noisily. with taking off their clothes . They are shouting loudly.

3 They are making too much noise, smoking and taking off their shoes.

4 They are pushing in before others.
They are dropping litter everywhere.

5 People are leaving much food after they leave the table.

6 disscusions Don’t reach over someone’s plate for something
Please pick up the bowl of rice in your hand Don’t eat with your hands Don’t make too much noise at the table Don’t start eating until everyone is ready. Don’t point at anyone with your chopsticks Don’t stick your chopsticks into your food Don’t make a noise while eating noodles

7 Use your knife to cut large pieces of food
You’d better not stand up for food Do not pass the food across the table ,but to your right You shouldn’t talk with your mouth open When leaving the table , put your napkin on your chair ,not the table Remember not to talk with food in your mouth Help your friend with food if necessary Wait for everyone to finish before you leave the table.

8 Translate 1、We shouldn’t start eating _____________(直到每个人准备好)
2、It’s impolite to ________________________while eating or drinking.(发出太多噪音) 3、When you eat, you shouldn’t_________________(张着嘴吃) 4、Boys and girls ,please always remember _________ (不要边吃东西边说话) 5、Don’t _____________________for something(越过别人的盘子) 6、I think it’s necessary for us to ________(等每个人)to finish before ____________(你离开桌子)

9 Wait for everyone to finish before you leave the table.
until everyone is ready. talk with food in your mouth talk with your mouth open make too much noise reach over someone’s plate for something talk with food in your mouth

10 Discuss and fill in the table
Main idea Useful expressions Paragraph 1 Purpose Paragraph 2 Time and place Paragraph 3 Content Paragraph 4 Conclusion


12 讲座名称 Applying for “The Civilized Shcool” 讲座目的 帮助你了解我们应该为申办校园做些什么 讲座时间 本周五下午三点(5月9日) 讲座地点 学校礼堂 讲座内容 礼貌诚实,尊敬师长; 遵守交通规则,有礼貌地过马路,只有当绿灯亮时才能过马路; 保护环境,不乱扔垃圾,不随地吐痰; 节约资源, 吃光盘里所有食物; 结束语

13 Sample writing A talk on manners applying for “The Civilized City”
We are going to hold a talk on good manners applying for “The Civilized City”. The purpose of the talk is to help you behave well in public places. It will take place this Thursday, at 2 p.m. on 24 April at the school hall.

14 Sample writing There will be a lot of advice on good manners applying for “The Civilized City”. We hope you will find them useful. As a middle school student, what should we do for it? First, it is good for us to be polite and honest to other people. We should also respect the teachers and the old. Second, we should obey traffic rules and cross the road politely. We can only cross the road when the traffic light is green.

15 Sample writing Third, we must protect the environment. It is impolite to spit everywhere or throw rubbish around. Fourth, we should save resources because they are getting fewer and fewer. When we have dinner, it’s best for us to eat up all the food in the plate. Moreover, we should behave properly in public places. For example, we shouldn’t make too much noise.

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