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Marriage and the Family Quiz

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1 Marriage and the Family Quiz

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3 1. What is the purpose of marriage?
Provide companionship, friendship and support between husband and wife. Enjoy a sexual relationship within marriage, have children and raise a family. Make a lifelong commitment to each other, providing stability to society. back

4 Casual relationships are wrong Being sexually pure is advised.
2. What does the Bible say about sexual relationships? Casual relationships are wrong Adultery is forbidden Being sexually pure is advised. back

5 3. What is the purpose of family?
Provide the right place for married couples to have children. Provide stability and security for society. To teach children the difference between right and wrong back

6 4. What is the child’s role within a family?
Honour, obey and respect their parents. Children are expected to care for their parents in their old age, just as their parents once cared for them. back

7 5. How does the local parish helkp families?
Support couples who are expecting children. Organise family events and worship Run parenting classes Provide counselling support back

8 6. What are the five family types you need to know for the exam?
Nuclear – two parents (man/woman) and chidren living together. Blended – Step families coming together. Extended – parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles etc Single parent – One parent and children Same sex – two same sex parents and children back

9 7. Why are children important within the church?
They must be taught to live a Christian life. They will spread the word of the gospel in the future. Jesus asked children to be brought to him as heaven belongs to them. back

10 8. What types of contraception are there?
Natural – when a couple avoid having sex when the woman is ovulating. Artificial – human made objects designed to prevent pregnancy. back

11 9. Why do Catholics not believe in artificial contraception?
Every sexual act should be open to the possibility of having a child. Contraception prevents one of the main purposes of sex. It encourages promiscuity or casual sex, which may lead to STI’s. Natural forms are available. The Humane Vitae affirms contraception is not acceptable. back

12 10. Why are Catholics against divorce?
Marriage is for life Jesus said divorce is wrong Marriage is a sacrament and divorce would break the promise made to God. Remarriage is not acceptable and the marriage cannot happen in a Catholic church. back

13 11. What are the roles of men and women as seen by Christians?
Men and women were both made in God’s image. Some Christians argue that men and women are equal. The Bible suggests that women were created to help men. Catholics believe the roles are different but that they complement each other. back

14 12. Where is there gender discrimination in the Catholic Church
Some Catholic Christians only accept men to hold positions of bishop, priests, deacon and pope. These roles were seen as ones which Jesus completed. Only baptised men can move into these roles. back

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