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Jessica Massey – HR Service Manager.

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1 Jessica Massey – HR Service Manager.
The Lead Employer Model – Supporting Trainees Following Time out of Training. Jessica Massey – HR Service Manager.

2 Long Term Sickness The bulk of the work the LE does with regards to returning to training is with trainees who have been off work due to sickness (+28 days) Referrals to Health Work and Wellbeing Working with the trainee to implement any restrictions/ adjustments recommended by HWWB clinicians. ‘Training Clock’ – the difference between returning to ‘work’ and returning to ‘training’

3 Supportive Measures Phased return to work
Amended hours e.g. varied start/ finish times LTFT Adjustments to duties e.g. no on-call/ OOH/ night work Buddy/ mentor scheme within the department/ host organisation Access to work input

4 Health Concerns &The Equality Act.
Definition of Disability: S6(1) Equality Act a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect of their ability to carry out normal day to day activities EqA Schedule 1 - the effect of an impairment is long-term if it has lasted for at least 12 months, it is likely to last for at least 12 months Recurrent conditions

5 Reasonable Adjustments
Purpose of reasonable adjustments is to avoid or cancel out a disadvantage to a disabled person in comparison with those who are not disabled What is reasonable will depend on the employer and the circumstances Onus is on the employer to investigate and suggest adjustments (Advice from HWWB) Medical advice can assist Access to Work

6 Maternity / OOP Cases KIT days Risk assessments
Support and guidance re breastfeeding HWWB input for OOP cases & maternity if needed HR involvement with OOPC cases Management Information – picking up on trainees who resume work in line with rotation days

7 Any Questions? If you require any further information please contact

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