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View-Invariant Representation and Recognition of actions

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1 View-Invariant Representation and Recognition of actions
Paper By: Rao,Yilmaz and Shah) International Joural of Computer Vision 50(2), ,2002 Presented By:Xiangdong Wen Advisor: L.J. Latecki

2 Introduction Related work Perception of Motion Representation Learning Experiments Conclusion

3 Natural Actions Events: 1.Low level description:
change of direction,stop, pause, 2.High level description: opening a door,starting a car Temporal textures: ripples on the water, a cloth waving in the wind Activities: walking, running, jumping

4 Recognition of human actions
Extract relevant information. Represent it in a suitable form. an abstraction of the data view-invariant,compact,reliable Interpret visual information. recognition learning

5 Related work Izumi and Kojiama(2000) head & model
Siskind and Moris(1996) HMM system Davis et al.(2000) a sinusoidal model Polana(1994) normal flow Madabushi and Aggarwal(2000) head Seitz and Dyer(1997) cyclic motion Tsai et al.(1994) FFT find the period Bobick and Davis(1997) aerobic exercise

6 Perception of Motion Human Perception Spatio-Temporal Curvature
How it Captures motion boundaries Previous Approaches Generate and Smooth of Trajectories

7 Human Perception Dynamic instant: an instantaneous entity that occurs for only one frame. Interval:the time period between two dynamic instants.

8 Sample movies(1)

9 Sample Movies(2)

10 Spatio-Temporal Curvature
r=[x(t),y(t),t] v=[x’(t),y’(t),1] a=[x’’(t),y’’(t),0] ||r’(t) X r’’(t)|| K(t)= ||r’(t)||^3

11 Previous Approaches Rubin and Richards(1985)
Polar coordinates, they using s’’(t) and Angle’’(t) separately. Gould and Shah(1989) Velocity vector v(t)=[v_x,v_y] Trajectory Primal Sketch(TPS) Both have alignment problem.

12 Generating and Smoothing of Trajectories
Skin detection by Kjeldean and Kender(1996). Mean-shift tracking by Comaniciu et al.(2000). Anisotropic diffusion smoothing by Perona and malik(1990).

13 Representation Instants Time:the frame number
Position: the position of the hand Sign: of the turning angle intervals

14 View-Invariance The number of instants The signs of instants

15 Learning Starting with no modal Matching two actions
1.same number of instants with same sign. 2.Use hand positions to form a 4*n matrix M, If Rank(M)<4 then ‘match’ Match error =|_4|.

16 Experiments Using 47 different action clips performed by 7 individuals. At most one hand in each frame. Compare the speed to find the hand. Results are amazing.

17 Conclusion View-invariant Dynamic instants and intervals
Spatio-temporal curvature The system Learns without training Experiments results are good


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