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Feedback from IKON 14 Spectroscopy.

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Presentation on theme: "Feedback from IKON 14 Spectroscopy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feedback from IKON 14 Spectroscopy

2 IKON feedback session - Spectroscopy
In which areas have we made progress during this IKON meeting ? MIRACLES/T-REX: The topics and presentations are more focused on solving particular problems in the design and construction phases of the instruments (talks were more (too) general in the past) CSPEC/T-REX: Tollgate 3 overview is appreciated, collaboration on final documentation with instrument teams is necessary. MIRACLES/CSPEC/BIFROST: Remote handling CSPEC: Timelines are clearer T-REX: Acknowledgement that timelines have to be redefined What and who enabled this progress ? [provide examples how we progressed, what has been required to succeed and name those teams who inspired / supported you] MIRACLES: Don’t know, probably the fact that some members of the instrument teams are involved in the organization, or that the NSS and Integration Engineers, have taken the lead with respect to the topics.

3 IKON feedback session - Spectroscopy
What topics shall we address jointly now ? MIRACLES/BIFROST/T-REX: Rearrange the new schedule. Impact of delays MIRACLES/T-REX: Sample environment pool Workshops - update MIRACLES: Risk: to leave last instruments behind (rising) MIRACLES/CSPEC/BIFROST/T-REX: Ongoing discussion shielding standardization proposal? We need a detailed outline of the proposal (contract): timeline, what work will be performed, how does the shielding team envisage interacting with the instrument team, reporting structure. CSPEC: URGENT! Finalise bunker details. CSPEC: SEMI-URGENT: Monitors and interaction with ISIS to deliver thin novel monitors. T-REX: URGENT! definition of TA How can my team help ? On which timeline and with whom – from ESS core team or partner sphere ? [provide examples for a constructive way forward indicating importance / urgency, provide your (potential) contribution and what you need from others]

4 IKON feedback session - Spectroscopy
Which focus for the next IKON meeting in Sept ? CSPEC/T-REX: The instrument teams would really like to see some results from the other instruments – for instance all instrument teams have gone through STAP meeting which focused on sample environment(for example) – it would have been nice to see the cave structure/sample environment/real details from some of the more advanced instruments. CSPEC/T-REX: Less focus on download from ESS – we do not need talks from John, Andreas and Shane – too much overlap between these talks. CSPEC/T-REX: Number of parallel talks (3 at most) is much appreciated. BIFROST/MIRACLES/T-REX: detailed breakdown of budget for infrastructure: racks, outlets, chicanes bunker shielding, HV cables,… T-REX: time for PSS [speculate on the ‘hot topics’ in 6 months and how they can be tackled] MIRACLES: Flange and floor instruments standardization (flange-to-sample distance, SE alignment) MIRACLES/CSPEC: Utility supplies – electrical, water, gases. Full overview, exact location of outlets,.. MIRACLES: Bunker project (outcome of CDR and interfaces with instruments) CSPEC: In-bunker details, exact examples from teams showing the engineering realities, vacuum housing, cabling, remote handling realities, windows, feedthrough. MIRACLES: NBOA procurement process update MIRACLES/CSPEC/BIFROST/T-REX: Beam monitors, definition of T=0, etc… CSPEC: Shielding calculations/design Who to involve in the preparation ? Everybody?

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