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Jean Yves Madec – SAB Chair

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1 Jean Yves Madec – SAB Chair
SAB Update Jean Yves Madec – SAB Chair

2 SAB 2019 - 2021 Jean-Yves Madec (Chair) 2st term ends January 2021
Till Bachmann (Vice-Chair) 1st term ends January 2021 Eric Brown 2st term ends January 2021 Christina Greko 2st term ends January 2021 Ana Maria de Roda Husman 2st term ends January 2021 Evelina Tacconelli 2st term ends January 2021 Constance Schultsz 1st term ends January 2021 Annegret Schneider 1st term ends January 2021 Jordi Vila 1st term ends January 2021 Ramanan Laxminarayan 1st term ends January 2021 Edward Topp 1st term ends January 2021 Rafael Canton 1st term ends January 2021 Luisa Peixe 1st term ends January 2021 Marc Lemonnier 1st term ends January 2021 Katherine Payne 1st term ends May 2020

3 SAB activities SRA update and roadmap for joint actions 2017- 2019
Roadmap / Prioritisation workshop in Leiden on 6 and 7 December 2019 The SRIA was finalised and endorsed by every single SAB member in January 2019 SAB meeting in Leiden on 4 March 2019

4 SAB meeting – 4 March Agenda item SAB meeting Results
Getting acquainted; SAB members introduce themselves NA Role and tasks of the SAB within the JPIAMR setting Rules of procedures / SAB working process SAB requests timeline of activities and questions from the MB/SC to the SAB SAB requests regular contact between chair and vice chair of SAB and SC. SRIA roadmap / matrix The SAB members had some comments on the suggested joint actions. These were sent to the secretariat and will be discussed at agenda item 9 of the MB Virtual Research Institute The SAB had a lot of questions regarding this item. The SAB felt not comfortable to draw up a concrete suggestion for the VRI, because of lack of information and comprehension. The SAB will provide a preliminary proposal with their viewpoints comments and ‘warnings’ regarding the VRI. This will be sent a.s.a.p., before the MB. WHO priority pathogen list The SAB thinks that JPIAMR should not dispute the WHO priority pathogen list. It is however very human oriented and could provide some flexibility. Altering the list should be addressed together with WHO, ECDC and OIE. The SAB suggests to draw up a JPIAMR SAB scientific opinion on the list to be published. How does the MB think about that? DECISION MB Survey AMR catalogue This item will be presented and discussed at agenda item 14.3 of the MB. Nomination process of the chair and vice-chair This item will be addressed at agenda item 6.2 of the MB.

5 SAB results / requests SAB requests clear timeline of activities and questions from the MB/SC SAB requests regular contact between chair and vice chair of SAB and SC The SAB provided a proposal with their viewpoints comments and ‘warnings’ regarding the VRI for the MB to discuss. The SAB suggests to draw up a JPIAMR SAB scientific opinion on the WHO pathogene list to be published. How does the MB think about that?

6 Discussion & Decision


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