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Culture and Organizational Behavior

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1 Culture and Organizational Behavior
Chapter 2 2-1 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

2 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003
Learning Objectives Understand what culture is and levels of culture Explain how culture develops Describe the major frameworks for explaining the cultures of different societies Discuss the relation of culture to the study of OB Debate the issue of cultural convergence Vs. divergence 2-2 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

3 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003
What is Culture? A way of life of a group of people That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society Everything that people have, think, and do as members of society 2-3 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

4 Sathe’s Levels of Culture
Manifest culture Manifest culture Expressed values Expressed values Water line Basic assumptions Basic assumptions Iceberg Onion Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003 2-4

5 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003
How is Culture Learned? Primary Socialization Cultures and Subcultures Secondary Socialization 2-5 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

6 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Variations in Values Orientations
Orientation Variations Relation to Nature Time Orientation Basic Human Nature Activity Orientation Relationships among People Space Orientation Subjugation Past Evil Being Individualistic Private Harmony Present Neutral/Mixed Containing/Controlling Group Mixed Mastery Future Good Doing Hierarchical Public 2-6 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

7 Hofstede’s Dimensions of Cultural Values
Individualism/Collectivism Power Distance Uncertainty Avoidance Masculinity/Femininity 2-7 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

8 The Chinese Value Survey
Confucian Work Dynamism Long Term vs. Short Term Orientation Persistence Thrifty Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

9 Hofstede and CVS Cultural Dimension Scores for 10 Countries
PD ID MA UA LT USA L 91H 62H 46L 29L Germany 35L 67H 66H 65M 31M Japan 54M 46M 95H 92H 80H France 68H 71H 43M 86H 30L Netherlands 38L 80H 14L 53M 44M Hong Kong 68H 25L 57H 29L 96H Indonesia 78H 14L 46M 48L 25L West Africa 77H 20L 46M 54M 16L Russia 95H 50M 40L 90H 10L China 80H 20L 50M 60M 118H 2-9 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

10 Trompenaars’ Seven Dimensions of Culture
Universalism Vs. Particularism Individualism Vs. Collectivism Neutral Vs. Affective Relationships Specific Vs. Diffuse Relationships Achievement Vs. Ascription Relationship to Time Relationship to Nature 2-10 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

11 Hall’s High-Context and Low-Context Cultural Framework
High-Context Low-Context China Austria Egypt Canada France Denmark Italy England Japan Finland Lebanon Germany Saudi Arabia Norway Spain Switzerland Syria United States 2-11 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

12 Do the Frameworks Explain Differences?
Represent average behavior within a culture Countries classified similarly may still be very different Reliability may vary 2-12 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

13 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003
Cultural Metaphors Country Metaphor England the traditional British house Germany the symphony Italy the opera Japan the garden Nigeria the marketplace Russia the ballet Turkey the coffeehouse United States football 2-13 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

14 Convergence or Divergence?
Closer communication and trade links Worldwide markets and products Different cultural interpretations Need to maintain cultural identity 2-14 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

15 Implications for Managers
Understanding culture important even in home country Organization’s stakeholders could be from another culture Need to look for underlying cultural meanings 2-15 Comparative Management, Dr. Yang 2003

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