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Colossians Lesson 4.

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1 Colossians Lesson 4

2 Colossians 2 Is Paul introducing a new thought?
Col. 1:28-29 Paul labored to present every man complete in Christ Col. 2:1 Paul had a great struggle for them What was his struggle? He couldn’t GO to them since he was in prison…. Col. 2:2 He wrote to encourage them since they were knit together in love

3 Colossians 2 Col. 2:2 There is full assurance of understanding, resulting in true knowledge God’s mystery IS Christ ALL treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Him 2:3 WARNING: Do not be deluded 2:4 “to reason falsely or incorrectly, contrary to truth using what SEEMS plausible but later lets the person down

4 Protection from being deluded
Full understanding of God’s Word, complete in Christ, keeps me from being deluded Col. 1:6 They understood God’s grace Col. 1:9 They had been prayed for specifically Col. 1:26 The mystery is now revealed to His saints – YOU Col. 2:3 ALL treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ!!!

5 Instruction: walk in Him
Paul still warned them of delusion, even though he knew they were disciplined and stable Walk in Him as you have received Him: by faith Col. 1:10 Walk in a manner worthy of Christ Col. 1:10 Please Him in all respects Col. 2:7 They were firmly rooted, built up and established in their faith Col. 2:7 Overflowing in gratitude, so why warn?

6 “taken captive” and “Philosophy”
Col.2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive Sulagogeo: to carry off like a predator with its prey; to spoil, plunder, to lead away from the truth and subject to one’s sway IF you have been deluded, you can be easily taken captive Philosophia: the love and pursuit of wisdom, elevating human wisdom over God; loving one’s own thoughts at the expense of God’s Word

7 Worldly and Godly wisdom
I Cor. 1, 2 & 3 You cannot come to know God through worldly wisdom 1:21 Its result is not true knowledge 3:20 Christ is the power and wisdom of God 1:24,30 God’s wisdom is revealed by His Spirit 2:10 Spiritual things are not understood by the natural man 2:14 Believers HAVE the mind of Christ so the Spirit gives understanding of the Word 2:10, 16

8 Acts 17:16-34 Some spent time telling and listening to new things 17:21 Paul called them to repentance 17:30 Paul told them of the “unknown” God who will judge the world 17:31 While they loved knowledge, they didn’t have wisdom, but IGNORANCE; the exact opposite Delusion is false reasoning

9 Colossians 2:8 “empty”: empty in moral content, vain, ineffective, foolish, worthless and evil “deception”: delusion, a false impression MADE to deceive or cheat, motivated by guile These were based on traditions of men and elementary principles of the world RATHER THAN on Christ But they were disciplined! Stable! Grounded!

10 Elementary principles of the world
Col.2:20 Why submit to them if you have died with Christ? Col. 2:21 Don’t handle, taste or touch Col. 2:23 Self-made religion, self-abasement, severe treatment of the body Col. 2:23 No value against fleshly indulgence Indulgence in what? Everything the flesh CAN cry out for. Pleasures, riches, comfort, physical appearance

11 Protection from fleshly indulgence
Col. 2:3 In Christ are ALL the treasures of wisdom Col. 2:20 We have died with Christ: THAT fact is value against fleshly indulgence Col. 2:4 Who’s responsibility is it to NOT be deluded? I Cor. 2:4 Paul’s message was not in persuasive words but in the Spirit’s power. God’s wisdom

12 Cross references: warnings
Mark 7:5 Scribes asked Jesus why His disciples didn’t keep traditions? Traditions are fine if your heart is right Mk7:6 They taught MAN’S precepts, not God’s Mk.7:9 2 Pet. 2:1 Destructive heresies will secretly be introduced by false teachers 2 Pet. 3:16, 18 Untaught and unstable will be carried away by their error. YOU: Grow in Christ

13 Cross references: warnings
I Tim. 1:3 Don’t teach strange doctrines, myths or importance of genealogies I Tim. 1:7 This is the world’s wisdom 2 Tim. 2:16 Avoid empty chatter: it leads to ungodliness, spreading like gangrene 2 Tim. 2:18 This upsets the faith of some

14 Rulers and authorities
In Him: all fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form In Him: you are complete Col.2:10 Christ is head over all rulers and authorities Col. 1:16 He CREATED them Col. 1:17 He is before ALL things Col. 1:18 He Himself will come to have 1st place in everything

15 Rulers and authorities
Col. 2:15 God disarmed (stripped off) them and made a public display (put them to open shame) and triumphed over them Heb. 2 Jesus took on flesh and blood and rendered the devil powerless I John 4 He is greater than the spirit that is in the world Col. 2:10 Head over all human AND spiritual

16 In him Col.2:11 In Him, we have put off the flesh
Col. 2:12 In Him, we are buried, raised and made alive Col. 2:13 In Him, we have been forgiven ALL of our transgressions WARNING: Let no one act as your judge in matters of legalism: Law is just a shadow Christ is the substance: the body that casts the actual shadow!!! He IS THE CHURCH

17 Warning!!!!!! Self-abasement, worship of angels, taking a stand on visions without cause, severe treatment of the body, self-made religion…..ALL appear, at times, to be wise BUT They inflate/puff up one’s own mind = pride Holding fast to Him as the head, brings growth of the body Col. 2:19

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