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Year 13 Biology Homeostasis

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1 Year 13 Biology Homeostasis
Hormonal Control Year 13 Biology Homeostasis

2 Hormone Signalling Forms part of the endocrine system
Uses chemicals in the blood to carry signals to the target tissue (organs/glands/cells) Hormones are secreted by glands (that do not contain a duct) and each gland secretes a specific hormone Small proteins – insulin Steroids – testosterone, oestrogen Amino Acids – thyroxine, adrenaline

3 Examples of glands and the hormones they produce
Pancreatic gland – secretes insulin (controls blood sugar) Pituitary gland – secretes ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) (controls osmotic balance) Thyroid gland – secretes thyroxine (controls metabolic rate) Adrenal glands – secretes adrenalin, noradrenaline and aldosterone (controls blood pressure)

4 The Pituitary gland Known as the ‘Master gland’
It is the size of a pea and is located directly under the brain Produces its own hormones (ADH) and hormones that control the activity of other endocrine glands eg FSH (controls prodn of oestrogen and progesterone in ovaries) TSH (controls prodn of thyroxine by thyroid)

5 The Hypothalamus Has receptors for monitoring the level of many substances in the blood Acts as the control centre for many homeostatic functions (eg body temperature, osmotic balance) The hypothalamus integrates the action of all homeostatic mechanisms

6 Main Glands

7 Receptors For hormones to work
the target cell must have a receptor specific for the hormone on the outside of the cell

8 Nervous System vs. Hormones
Quick acting Short lived response Specific part of the body Slow acting Long duration responses Widespread More than one hormone can influence individual cells Can work together to regulate the size of the response Need to break down the hormone on completion

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