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Airports and Land Use Compatibility A Practical Overview and Field Tools SWIFT CONFERENCE MONTREAL SEPTEMBER 14, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Airports and Land Use Compatibility A Practical Overview and Field Tools SWIFT CONFERENCE MONTREAL SEPTEMBER 14, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Airports and Land Use Compatibility A Practical Overview and Field Tools SWIFT CONFERENCE MONTREAL SEPTEMBER 14, 2011

2 Airport Land Use Compatibility Obstacle Limitations Surfaces Instrument Approach Procedures Composite Protection Mapping (AVPA) Bird Hazard (Landfills/Water) Electronic Zoning Sight Lines Noise Exposure Contours GNSS Approaches (LPVs) – Close in Protection Practical Tools for Operational Monitoring Heliports Presentation Overview 2

3 Land Use Compatibility 3 Airport and Land Use Compatibility The compatible land use planning concept was an outgrowth of the focus of attention on the environmental relationship between airports and their community neighbours. This planning concept is relatively simple and the results can be impressive, but the implementation requires careful study and co-ordinated planning. TP1247 primary reference document – Transport Canada. Understanding the geographic extents and inter-relationships. Not enough to only consider airport certification. Start with furthest point from airport and work towards airport.

4 Obstacle Limitation / Instrument Approaches 4 Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) Airport Certification Protection for visual segments of flight operations. Federal Zoning Regulations Obstacle Clearance Surfaces (OCS) TP308 – Instrument Approach Procedure Design Not related to Certification Impacts minimum descent altitudes Extend well beyond Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) NAV CANADA (Objection/No Objection/Existing/No Mitigiations)

5 Composite Mapping (AVPA) 5 Reactive Approach Redesign Instrument Approach Procedures GNSS vs. traditional NAVAIDS (NDB/VOR/DME) - Mitigations Funding for Redesigns Proactive Approach Merge the contraints Consider existing and future runway operations Consider future instrument approach procedures. Develop composite mapping Requires coordination with municipal governments Time Frame (4 years) – Map/Proposals/Design/Publications

6 Bird Hazard Protection 6 8 km Radius Landfills Agricultural Issue Open water sources Bird Experts involved. Federal Zoning Regulations May or may not be in your Regulations. Municipal Strikes and Impacts on Garbage Collection

7 Electronic Zoning Protection 7 Navaids ILS Glide Path Localizer NDB DME VOR Federal Zoning Regulations May or may not be in your Regulations. Communication Systems / Radar (Wx and ATC)

8 ATC/FSS Sight Lines 8 NAV CANADA Airfield (Manoeuvring areas) Approaches Circuits On-site Airport Control and Obligation Legal Agreements with NAV CANADA Off-site Cooperative Approach Not addressed within federal Aeronautical Zoning Regulations

9 Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF) 9 Aircraft Noise Compatible Development Guidelines Primarily used to limit Residential Developments Historically updated every 5-10 years New practice – Longer Term Practical Capacity of Airfield Municipal government implementation – planning bylaws/development plans

10 GNSS Approachs (LPVs) 10 GNSS LPV approaches Rollout throughout Canada – New Generation Approaches Minimum decent to as low as 250 (only 50 higher than CAT I ILS) NAV CANADA Published survey requirements Extend beyond property Extend beyond certification obstacle limitation surfaces Ensure potential LPV minimums are protected Need to consider additional controls outside airport Cooperation with local neighbours

11 Practical Field Tools – Front line Observations 11 Part of routine airfield inspection process Understanding complexity of off-site/on-site constraints Tools available Old Tech New Tech Cost effective

12 Practical Field Tools (Older Tech) 12 Handheld Clinometers/Laser Range Finders: o Low cost ($200- $500) o Simple to Use o Setup Key Locations on Airfield

13 Practical Field Tools (New Tech) 13 Iphone/Ipad: o Free and Affordable Applications (Less than $20) o Powerful Information o Theodolite o Mapping o SMS

14 Practical Field Tools (New Tech) 14 Iphone/Ipad: o Free and Affordable Applications (Less than $20) o Google Earth Overlay o GPS Tracking

15 Practical Field Tools (Demonstration) 15 Ipad – Theodolite Ipad – Google Earth

16 Heliports 16 Heliports o Elevated (on top of buildings) o Ground based Similar protection/compatibility issues Cooperative approach where possible Part of aviation system (Local/Regional)

17 Bernhard Schropp: James Lindsey: Website: / Questions? Thank you

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