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Marlene Coleman and Bill Swift. Airport Concessions Primary Objective To generate revenue for airport operations and provide quality goods, products and.

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Presentation on theme: "Marlene Coleman and Bill Swift. Airport Concessions Primary Objective To generate revenue for airport operations and provide quality goods, products and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marlene Coleman and Bill Swift

2 Airport Concessions Primary Objective To generate revenue for airport operations and provide quality goods, products and services that enlighten the passengers travel experience

3 o Customer Satisfaction o World Class Concepts and Brands o Strong Revenue Growth o Innovation o Opening Day Fresh Standards o Sense of Place o Continued ACDBE Leadership o Dynamic Business Environment

4 the use of advertising, distinctive design, process and other means to make consumers associate a specific product with a specific manufacture or operation

5 It Takes A Licking and Keeps on ticking Wheres the Beef? Just Do It plopp, plopp, fizz, fizz, Oh what a relief it is Dont leave home without it. Finger Licking Good Let your fingers do the walking

6 Celebrity Endorsements

7 History of Branding in Airports Pre 1980s – Generic concepts 1980s National Branded Food Concepts are introduced in Airports: McDonalds Dunkin Donuts Dominos Pizza 1990s BAA Pittsburgh International Airport introduced National, Regional and local Branded Concessions Program

8 Pre 1980s - What Brands?

9 Benefits of National Brands in Airports Benefits of National Brands in Airports o Customer Recognition o Consistency o Generate higher Revenues o Passengers Know and Seek out the Brand o National Advertising $

10 Benefits of Local Brands in Airports Benefits of Local Brands in Airports o Sense of Place and local Flavor – Different o Sometimes Opportunity for Local Entrepreneurs o Adds Variety to concessions program

11 One Flew South - fine dining - Concourse E Café Intermezzo – Concourse B

12 Brands relationship to Airports Goals the Passengers Perspective o Brand Demographics relates to Airport Demographics o Gender o Age o Income o Street Performance o Operational o Revenues o Popularity with Customers o Translation into airport environment o Speed of Service o Operational footprint limitations o Brands Lifespan o Fits Airports Program Goals

13 ATL Demographics o Age -43 years old o Gender-45% Male/55% Female o Income-$88,660 annually o Business/Leisure-41% business/66% leisure

14 Luxury Stores Psycho demographic: Functional – Superior Functionality and Quality Reward – Showcase their achievements Indulgence - Median household income $133k+ Appeals to both Male and Female Shoppers

15 Blackberry store Demographics 60/40% Male/Female 39 average age Above average education

16 Future Concepts/Brand Trends for Airports Future Concepts/Brand Trends for Airports o More Retail Brands in Airport o More creativity in Design and signage to showcase the Brands o Flexibility in technical specifications for best placement of brands and concepts


18 Marlene Coleman and Bill Swift

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