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Euro-iVET Project Presentation

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1 Euro-iVET Project Presentation
Agreement Number – 2015 – 1 – UK01 – KA

2 Project Background Despite some signs of post-crisis recovery in Europe, youth unemployment remains a challenge. Amongst young people (YP) it stands at 15.1% in the EU28. YP from migrant and disadvantaged communities – predominantly located in large urban cities – are four time more likely to be unemployed than their counterparts and least likely to be engaged in VET or Work Based Learning opportunities with a successful outcome.

3 Iliass El Hadioui Euro-iVET has taken El Hadioui’s research into the ‘Culture Clash’ theory as the base for this project. El Hadioui has identified a ‘clash’ of cultures between youth ‘street culture’, work-based culture, and the culture of education. This ‘clash’ can be interpreted negatively by key areas of society. The overall aim of the Euro IVET project is to equip professional staff to bridge the ‘culture clash’ between disadvantaged young people, employers and vocational education. Iliass was kind enough to attend both the Marseille Translational Meeting and the Final Conference in London to discuss his research and lead discussions.

4 Project Partners: 15billion
In 1990 Newham Education Employer Partnership Limited (NEEP) entered on the register of charities. In 2001 London East Connexions Partnership (LECP) formed and goes live In a government Green Paper was published, introduces significant changes to policy around careers education. In LECP changed name to 15billion, and in 2013 NEEP and 15billion merge to become known as 15billion-ebp. The organization’s vision is to transform young futures by pioneering innovative careers work that is proven to transform the futures of young people by supporting them to meet the needs of the 21st century employer.

5 Project Partners: Ballymun Job Centre
Ballymun Job Centre located in Dublin was established in 1986 as a community response to a chronic unemployment situation. The mission of the BJC is to raise the skills and labour market aspirations of individuals in Ballymun and to promote the Ballymun labour force to employers. The overall objective of the BJC is to provide individuals with greater labour market choice and the opportunity to improve their employability, increase their earnings and reduce their vulnerability to poverty. The BJC provides a comprehensive range of services to create pathways to either further training, education or employment for its registered clients and a professional and free service to employers assisting them in recruitment of staff.

6 Project Partners: Eurocircle
Eurocircle was founded in Berlin in 1992 as a European confederation of independent promoters of social, education, and employment services. In 1996 the association was created as a French non-profit association with headquarters in Marseille. Eurocircle develops and supports intercultural projects implemented within the framework of European programs, in particularly in the fields of mobility, ecology, culture, social affairs, education, and employment.

7 Project Partners: Folkuniversitetet
Folkuniversitetet, based in Uppsala, Sweden is a leader in lifelong learning. The organisation’s mission is to improve people’s quality of life by imparting more knowledge and skills, both personally and in the workplace. Their work ranges from language learning, the arts, European- wide project management, and much more.

8 Project Partners: MetropolisNet
MetropolisNet is a European network developed from a collaborative network of territorial employment pacts. It aims to promote employment, social cohesion and urban development in large European cities & metropolitan areas. The network exchanges information, experience and know- how between the partner organisations, and strengthens the role of the regional & local level. MetropolisNet implement joint projects to achieve these goals and develop co-operation with other relevant organisations at local, regional, national and European levels, and beyond.

9 A short comparative study & needs analysis
Intellectual Output 1 A short comparative study & needs analysis This study looks into current trends and issues regarding youth unemployment within the context of each partner country. The aim of the Intellectual Output is to ensure that the Euro-iVET project will really meet the current needs of the young people. The full report has been produced in English, with summaries of each partner country produced in the partner languages. It should be noted that the research was undertaken in 2015 for IO1, and therefore would not be so relevant now, however it was key in informing the project as a whole.

10 An occupational profile & competency framework
Intellectual Output 2 An occupational profile & competency framework This output seeks to identify the skills, qualities, and characteristics necessary for successful work with or for young people, such as resilience and empathy. The identification of these traits helped to focus the curriculum development for Intellectual Output 3.

11 Training & curriculum content
Intellectual Output 3 Training & curriculum content Intellectual Output 3 is the curriculum itself. It has been produced as a PowerPoint presentation and has a 4-part structure: 1. Understanding the needs of the young person 2.Understanding the workplace culture 3. Ensuring an effective initial intervention 4. Bridging the culture clash. Within each module you can find a variety of activities such as role plays, research projects, and self-reflection.

12 A “train the trainers” toolkit
Intellectual Output 4 A “train the trainers” toolkit The ‘train the trainers’ toolkit accompanies the curriculum. This output supports future practitioners to deliver the curriculum in an impactful way. The toolkit essentially acts as a lesson plan for any practitioner delivering the curriculum.

13 An on-line curriculum learning platform
Intellectual Output 5 An on-line curriculum learning platform The on-line learning platform goes alongside the curriculum created in Intellectual Output 3. The on-line version not only compliments the already existing curriculum, but also allows the possibility of distance learning beyond the end of the project. We have included a self-reflective assessment area, and the option to participate in a comment area, so that practitioners can share their ideas.

14 Assessment, validation & certification framework
Intellectual Output 6 Assessment, validation & certification framework This output explores the potential options for assessment, validation, or certification. Within the framework you can find well-researched options for each of the partner countries. This output will be available for partners to consider beyond the end of the project and links closely to IO8.

15 An options appraisal of establishing a network of practitioners
Intellectual Output 7 An options appraisal of establishing a network of practitioners Intellectual Output 7 is a detailed appraisal of possible options for creating a network of practitioners. This output begins to consider the legacy and sustainability of the project beyond its end date. We have looked into creating a networking of our own stakeholders, who have participated in the project through multiplier events and testing workshops. We have also opened a Facebook group, amongst other considerations.

16 Policy recommendations & guidelines
Intellectual Output 8 Policy recommendations & guidelines The final Intellectual Output act as a conclusion to the project. It considers the successes of the Euro-iVET project, as well as look at lessons learnt. The guidelines also suggest how the project can be self-sustaining beyond the end date, and consider how to move forward from our work. This work was presented at the Final Conference on 12th July 2018.

17 Contact Details 15billion 2nd Floor Moorfoot House 221 Marsh wall
London E14 9FJ

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