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Gender and Development Talk

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1 Gender and Development Talk
A Gender analysis of Zim Asset from the Consumer perspective. By Rose Siyachitema Executive Director, CCZ.

2 Overview ZIM–ASSET is the blue print of the government targeted at resuscitating and growing the economy. This presentation is an analysis of gender issues arising from the ZIM-ASSET, focussing on issues affecting consumer rights. The presentation is an evaluation of basic consumer rights versus provisions of the ZIM- ASSET and provides an analysis/commentary on how they relate/ interact.

3 Food Security & Nutrition Cluster pg 30 - 34
Pg 30: On crop production & marketing Zim Asset intends to provide food relief to vulnerable social groups from stock in GMB depot which addresses the consumer’s RIGHT to basic needs [in this case is food]. Comment – the question is who exactly are the vulnerable, there is need for specification on women for instance girl-headed families, widows & single mothers who are bread winners.

4 Zim Asset promises improved access to domestic, regional and international markets through enhanced access to finance and to offer loan facilities for farmers to also gain access to machinery at affordable costs. Comment –Zim Asset does not specify whether women will have special access to these facilities. It is necessary to deliberately specify this by way of affirmative action in favour of women.

5 Pg 34 Nutrition Zim Asset proposes improved pre and post natal care through access to medical services and drugs which caters for the consumer RIGHT to health care and human treatment. Comment : – are these provisions free or lowly priced, If not what % of said women are will be able benefit from these services.

6 Social Services and Poverty Eradication Cluster pg 39 - 50
Pg 39 Indigenisation and Empowerment The document pledges to improve the quality and increased access to education and training at all levels through the construction of 3 additional universities serving the RIGHT to basic needs, which includes education. Comment – Zim Asset could have specifically encouraged the enrolment of the girl child in these new institutions.

7 Pg 40 Social Service Delivery
Zim Asset pledges an improved service delivery by local authorities through the development of public infrastructure (sewage system, roads and waste management). Furthermore it proposes an improvement in constant supply of power and clean water, backing the consumer RIGHT to a healthy sustainable environment. Comment Safeguards the health & safety of children making life easier for mothers who are the primary care givers to these children. Clean water will reduce the burden on women who are mainly responsible for seeking alternative water sources which pose great risk. Equally a constant supply of electricity eliminates the need for firewood hence reducing deforestation which leads to climate change.

8 Pg 41- 43 Social Service Delivery:
Zim Asset intends to improve the quality of reproductive health services to women and children particularly with regards to TB, HIV & AIDS and other communicable diseases which links RIGHT to safety. Comment – credit to Zim Asset but there is also need to lower service fees so that they can be easily accessed by the generally public.

9 Pg 44 Social Service delivery
– The document intends to reinforce the use of suggestion boxes and empower communities through health care committees which adds up to the RIGHT to be heard and information respectively. Comment – this is beneficial to the girl-child, women and the youth especially in this age of reproductive health dangers.

10 Pg 50 Gender and Development:
Zim Asset proposed gender based violence awareness and effects campaigns to capture the RIGHT to information and consumer education. Furthermore it acknowledges full representation of women in all spheres of influence and decision making which complies with the right to be heard. Comment: It appears that political will is lacking because Zimbabwe is lagging behind with respect to meeting set gender parity targets for instance the SADC protocol on gender and development.

11 CONCLUSION Zim Asset makes the right noises with regards to women and their empowerment, however the absence of concrete percentage and time based targets raises questions as how practical the blueprint is. Most importantly the Zim Asset is not clear where the resources to implement outlined policies will be channelled from.

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