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Unit 5 Ecosystems and Populations

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1 Unit 5 Ecosystems and Populations
Section 1 Access Biology

2 Essential Questions/Big Ideas for this Unit
What is a biome? What are the 6 major biomes? What are the characteristics, animals and plants found in each biome? What is an ecosystem? What impacts population growth? What is a food web? What are the differences between consumers/producers? Scavengers/decomposers? What kinds of natural disasters impact our world? What man-made disasters are influencing our world? Essential Questions/Big Ideas for this Unit

3 SC.912.L.17.5 Analyze how population size is determined by births, deaths, immigration, emigration, and limiting factors (biotic and abiotic) that determine carrying capacity. SC.912.L.17.In.2 Identify that living things in an ecosystem are affected by changes in the environment, such as changes to the food supply, climate change, or the introduction of predators. SC.912.L.17.Su.2 Recognize how animals and plants in an ecosystem may be affected by changes to the food supply or climate. SC.912.L.17.Pa.2 Recognize what happens to plants and animals when they don’t get enough food or water. SC.912.L.17.9 Use a food web to identify and distinguish producers, consumers, and decomposers. Explain the pathway of energy transfer through trophic levels. SC.912.L.17.In.5 Identify the components of a food web, including sunlight, producers, consumers, and decomposers, and trace the flow of energy from the Sun. SC.912.L.17.Su.5 Identify producers, consumers, and decomposers in a simple food chain. SC.912.L.17.Pa.5 Recognize that animals (consumers) eat animals and plants for food. SC.912.L.17.20 Predict the impact of individuals on environmental systems and examine how human lifestyles affect sustainability. SC.912.L.17.In.8 Describe ways the lifestyles of individuals and groups can help or hurt the environment. SC.912.L.17.Su.8 Identify ways individuals can help the environment. SC.912.L.17.Pa.7 Recognize a way to help the local environment. Standards for Unit

4 Sections for the Ecosystems and Populations Units
Vocabulary Power Point Vocabulary Video Supports Power Point Biomes, Ecosystems and Limiting Factors Power Point Food Web Power Point Human Impact on the Environment Power Point Sections for the Ecosystems and Populations Units

5 all the living things in an ecosystem
biotic all the living things in an ecosystem

6 non-living chemical and physical parts of the environment that affect living organisms and the functioning of ecosystems abiotic

7 community  the interaction of all species in a given area

8 A biome is a specific environment that's home to living things suited for that place and climate

9 tundra a vast, flat, treeless Arctic region of Europe, Asia, and North America in which the subsoil is permanently frozen

10 grasslands an area, as a prairie, in which the natural vegetation consists largely of perennial grasses, characteristic of sub-humid and semiarid climates

11  is a barren area of landscape where little precipitation occurs and consequently living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life desert

12 tropical forest  are forested landscapes in tropical regions bounded by, the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, but possibly affected by other factors such as prevailing winds

13  is a coniferous forest of the cold, subarctic region characterized mostly of pines, spruces and larches taiga

14 the action of clearing a wide area of trees
deforestation the action of clearing a wide area of trees

15 global warming a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants

16 pollution the action of polluting especially by environmental contamination with man-made waste

17 natural disasters a natural event such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane that causes great damage or loss of life

18 are organisms that are able to make their own food using abiotic elements in the environment

19 are organisms that eat organisms from a different population
consumers  are organisms that eat organisms from a different population

20  is an organism that decomposes, or breaks down, organic material such as the remains of dead organisms decomposers

21 scavengers A carnivorous animal that feeds or eats dead organisms, rather than hunting live prey

22 predator A form of symbiotic relationship between two organisms of unlike species in which one captures and feeds on the other organism that serves as the prey 

23 prey an animal hunted or seized for food, especially by a carnivorous animal

24 food chain describes the order in which organisms, or living things, depend on each other for food

25 food web Is the combination of all of the food chains which exist within a community

26 the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism

27 herbivore  are animals whose primary food source is plant-based

28 carnivore an animal that gets food from killing and eating other animals

29 is a kind of animal that eats either other animals or plants
omnivore is a kind of animal that eats either other animals or plants

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