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Cycling of Materials in Ecosystems

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Presentation on theme: "Cycling of Materials in Ecosystems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cycling of Materials in Ecosystems

2 Biogeochemical Cycle:
Flow of elements through biotic and abiotic factors in ecosystem

3 Types of Biogeochemical Cycles:
- Water cycle Carbon Cycle Phosphorus Cycle Nitrogen Cycle

4 Water Cycle: Flow of water through ecosystem

5 Water Cycle:

6 Carbon Cycle: Flow of Carbon (& Oxygen) through the ecosystem

7 Carbon Cycle:

8 Phosphorous & Nitrogen Cycles:
Flow of nitrogen through the ecosystem

9 Nitrogen Cycle:

10 Nitrogen Cycle: Denitrification - Converting nitrates to nitrogen gas
Nitrification – Nitrogen produced from ammonia Leaching - loss of water-soluble plant nutrients from the soil, due to rain and irrigation Assimilation – Nitrogen absorbed by plants and animals Ammonification – As bacteria break down nitrogen, ammonia is produced

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