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Information for students prior to working on self-assessments

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1 Information for students prior to working on self-assessments
Core competencies Information for students prior to working on self-assessments


3 Core Competencies a set of intellectual, personal, and social competencies strengths-based and student-centered – what the student can do can be demonstrated in many different ways developed over the course of a student’s schooling and into adulthood The addition to our curriculum of the Core competencies might be the biggest shift in the entire re-design As we become preoccupied by changes to individual curriculum areas Yet it also feels like they are easily pushed aside to the margins as especially Recognition that our children’s success is in large part determined by abilities that span across subject areas and that a central purpose of school is to develop those competencies in our kids Harp

4 Why has this been added to the BC curriculum?
Research shows that it is important for students to be able to self-reflect and self- assess. How am I doing? What are my strengths? How can I improve? Building the core competencies will help students become “educated citizens” (see next slide).


6 Here are some questions to help you start thinking about the core competencies:
Communication What are some ways you like to use to show your learning? What methods of communication are easiest for you and which areas would you like to improve? (e.g. reading, writing, speaking, listening) Critical Thinking What strategies do you use to decide whether to believe something you read or hear on the news? What advice would you give a younger student about figuring out what is true? Creative Thinking What helps you get new ideas? What makes you want to get new ideas or try something new?

7 Positive Personal and Cultural Identity
What are some aspects that you value about your culture? What are some things about your culture that you would like other people to know? What are your strengths as a learner and how do you learn best? Personal Awareness and Responsibility What do you do to help yourself when you are feeling a bit discouraged about your work / performance? What is one of your learning goals? Why did you choose it and how are you going to work on it? Social Responsibility How do you use words and actions to encourage other students who might be feeling a bit sad or discouraged? What contribution(s) have you made to your school/community/team that you feel good about? How did you get started doing that?

8 Student choice in self-assessment
Students may choose one of several locations to store core competency self-reflections: EduBlog MyBlueprint Office 365  Core Competency Folder The next few slides show many different methods of self-assessment as well as examples from HWSS students. Remember, it’s all about you as a learner!

9 Examples of ways to self-assess
Collages Equations Illustrations Interviews (written or oral) Lists Mind maps or other graphic organizers Photo essays Photographs

10 More examples of self-assessment methods
Poems or acrostics Questions Reference letters Spoken reflections Stories Symbols Videos Word clouds

11 Creative Thinking Word Art by Julia Maclean

12 Communication Competency
Reading Writing Talking It may be all the same to you. I like to write. I feel like there is a hidden meaning when one writes. Hiding true meanings behind words seems impossible. But it’s the easiest thing you could imagine. It’s like when you fake a pass and all the defender knows is that it was a fake and now that person drove on them and now they have to chase after that ball. The problem is that they are so focused on Because once that person blows by you getting the ball under control again, Other people are trying to stop the same person that they don’t realize But all that means that that wasn't the true distraction Is that someone else is open.   Open for the free shot. Writing is very much like that Because people don’t realize They are surprised by the result and the end. That’s why I am the one who guards the shooter. That’s why I like writing. Communication Competency Poem by Olivia Pero

13 Creative Thinking Mind Map by Natalie Saito

14 Creative Thinking Rap by Matias Bruscantini Creative Thinking
Can happen easier than blinking You must be in a zone of tranquility To show your ability I can get my thoughts through sports By going to different fields or courts Or I can get them through entertainment And create something that causes amazement Opening a pizzeria And model it like a tortilla Designing a new shoe And dye it with new shade of blue It could be anything state-of-the-art It just has to come from the heart An idea is something that happens naturally Not something that happens irrationally When it comes to Creative Thinking I’m never lost But when it comes to rapping I am the boss Creative Thinking Rap by Matias Bruscantini


16 Creative Thinking Portion of a Slam Poem by Joanne Chung
One’s mind can change the world Like a light bulb our brains are pearled Generation by generation Making a short-term transformation No one needs determination All that is needed is a confirmation Smart or not Listen to what has been fought Wisdom has been brought Not used, letting it rot Inventions and art All this content is only a part . . .

17 Example of a portion of a Social Responsibility reflection in point form (anonymous)
Contributing to Community and Caring for the Environment I am a music student and I sometimes help set up for concerts and rehearsals. I share my personal belongings (sheet music, notes, writing utensils) to help out others. I always bring my own reusable water bottle to prevent buying plastic one-time-use bottles. I follow the new waste management system and always put my trash in the correct place. I never leave my trash for others to clean up. Instead of asking my parents to drive me to school, I decided to walk every day to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.

18 Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to talk about how I am doing in my academic classes at school? No. You can relate your self-assessment to any curricular or extra-curricular area. Do I need to talk specifically about my learning at school? No. You may choose something that you do in the community (e.g. sports, work, volunteering, other) Do I need to give myself a mark? Is my teacher going to give me a mark? No. Self-assessments are not supposed to be graded. Ideally, you would have a conversation with a trusted adult (family member, educator) about how you are developing your core competencies.

19 Core Competency Self-Assessment
Choose at least one of the core competencies right now and create a self- assessment in the format of your choice. Remember, it is strengths-based! You are encouraged to share your self- assessments with by sharing through Office 365 or via . You may also book an appointment with Mme Ferrer if you would like to do an interview for your self-assessment.

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