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Higher order questions/ELLs

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1 Higher order questions/ELLs
Lesson Topic(s):income Week of:5/6-5/10 Objectives: Student is expected to identify ways to earn and income. TEKS: (9)(1) Student is expected to identify ways to earn and income. Essential Question: Why is it important to understand ways to earn an income? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Whole Group: Sort Job skills in pocket chart Journals: Firefighter Flip Book Partners: Sorting By Skills worksheet Whole group: Job sort in pocket Chart Journals: Finish sentence about job skills for a Teacher Partners: What skills do you need? Journals: Finish sentence about job skills for a cop Partners: Farmer or Zoo Keeper Vin Diagram . Review Job Skills Review Money and make money for Spanish activity. Students will play Math Stations with their partners. Vocabulary Money Income Job Earn Chore gift Higher order questions/ELLs Discuss with your partner what income is. How would you orally demonstrate the difference between chores and playtime? Write using vocabulary words: income and job. Explain what the problem is with this statement? Money that I got for my birthday is income. Use formal/informal English to discuss ways you could earn an income. Assessment Strategy Students will participate in coin identification activities with their partners.

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