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Hamburg Central School District

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1 Hamburg Central School District
Rti Response to intervention & Sst Student support team September 13, 2016

2 What does RtI mean? Under section of IDEA states that the school district: (i) may use a process that determines if the student responds to scientific, researched-based intervention as part of the evaluation procedures.

3 What does RtI *really* mean?
Meet the needs of all students in class Interventions are sometimes needed for students to grasp new material/achieve grade level standards Our job is to find out what works and what doesn’t - using evidence based interventions (with documentation) The goal is NOT to create extra work for staff, but increase the student success

4 Where does RtI begin? As teachers notice a student struggling and/or underachieving in comparison to their peers Interventions for individual students Prevent failure Proactive

5 How do I do this? Choose a Tier 1 intervention (that you’re probably doing already) Figure out: 1. Clearly defined problem stated in specific, observable, measureable terms 2. Gather baseline data 3. Determine goal 4. Plan for check-ins Document how the student responds Working? Great! Student is achieving at grade level Not working  Contact home Begin SST referral process after 4 weeks

6 Tier 1 Sample interventions:
Simplify directions - Help student begin assignments Change seat - Teach note taking strategy Organize materials - Assign a classroom job For example: Sally always loses her work, doesn’t turn in assignments, has 1 giant pile of papers, and can never find anything. Start an intervention! Goal: Sally is able to locate packet used in class everyday Intervention: Organize materials daily

7 RtI Process Aware of struggling student Tier 1 intervention
Contact home No progress… Refer to SST - All forms on web Under Counseling Center/ Student Support Team - Give to Gigi Rush 5. Hold SST meeting

8 SST Meeting Share feedback from all teachers Review results of intervention(s) Team creates a plan by brainstorming/reviewing resources at the meeting for student success using Tier 2 interventions Staff tracks intervention for 6 weeks, brings data back to SST meeting to review and determine next step If unsuccessful  attempt another new strategy If continues to be unsuccessful RTI data may be used to refer to CSE to determine classification or IEP needs Evaluation for CSE cannot begin until 3 separate interventions have been proven (with data/documentation) to be unsuccessful.

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