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Guidance Document - Generic Outline

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1 Guidance Document - Generic Outline
Foreword Table of content How to use the document? (guide to the reader) 1 - Introduction - Implementing the Water Framework Directive 2 – GIS in the WFD and its common under standing 3 – Implementation of the GIS – (General guidance) 4 - Best practices and tool box (Specific guidance) 5 – Examples for using the guidance (Case studies) Summary and concluding remarks

2 Guidance Document - Generic Outline
Annex I - the GIS relevant elements of the WFD (original WFD text) Annex II - glossary Annex III - list of references (other relevant guidance documents, reports and research papers, web sites) Annex IV - illustrations on testing exercises Annex V - list and contact information of experts of the relevant WGs Annex VI - any additional relevant information ...

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