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Wooden’s Pyramid of Success

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1 Wooden’s Pyramid of Success
From the book written by John Wooden and Jay Carty

2 Coach John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success

3 Building Block 1: Industriousness
“There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning.” “Success travels in the world of very hard work. There is no trick, no easy way.” John Wooden Read: Industriousness, p.28

4 Building Block 1: Industriousness
There is no substitute for hard work. Most people have a tendency to look for shortcuts or at least for the easiest way to complete any given task If we only put out minimum effort we might get by in some situations, but in the long run you will not fully develop the talents that lie within you.

5 Building Block 1: Industriousness
Answer the following questions in Google Docs located in Google Classroom Make a list of things in your life that need some hard work. Choose one area and establish a plan to develop excellence. Who will you contact? What will you read? What will you do? In what area do you think you can push past your current limitations? How will you accomplish this?

6 Building Block 2: Planning
“There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning” John Wooden

7 Building Block 2: Planning
Planning is IMPORTANT!! More specifically, PROPER planning. Undirected diligence isn’t very efficient; therefore, an element of planning must go into hard work. It is the combination of the two that results in success.

8 Building Block 2: Planning
If people are going to become all that they are capable of becoming, it is important that they work hard; but it is also important that they are INTENTIONAL about the hard work. PLANNING places effort where effort is most needed. People who put these two components together (HARD WORK and PLANNING) have a firm handle on which they can build toward success.

9 Building Block 2: Planning
Answer the following question in Google Docs located in Google Classroom: Make a list of the activities of your week. Estimate the time spent on each activity. Does the time spent reflect the time you’d like to spend? If not, what are you going to do about it?

10 Building Block 3: Friendship
“Friendship comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage, it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort.” John Wooden

11 Building Block 3: Friendship
Friendship is a “people block”, because people make us better. It is easier to reach our potential when we learn the value of including others in our quest. We can accomplish so much more when we work with others.

12 Building Block 3: Friendship
If we are going to work successfully with others, it is very important to know the role of FRIENDSHIP. FRIENDSHIP comes from mutual esteem and devotion. We were not designed to go through life alone. We become so much more when we come alongside others - and we make them better, too.

13 Building Block 3: Friendship
FRIENDSHIP is doing for others while they are doing for you. FRIENDSHIP is like a marriage - it’s based on mutual concern. Friends help each other, they don’t use each other. Would you rather be successful in your eyes or in the eyes of others?

14 Building Block 3: Friendship
If you said “others,” your reputation may be fine, but your character is suspect. Your REPUTATION is what you’re perceived to be. Your CHARACTER is what you really are. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are John Wooden A good reputation is not worth much if you have a faulty character and don’t have peace within yourself. If you use your friends to advance a personal agenda, you’ll never be at peace.

15 Building Block 3: Friendship
Make friends and maintain friendships. Friends help to complete us, and we’ll be better for having taken them along on our journey to becoming all we are capable of becoming. Something to think about: A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, however, two can stand back-to-back and conquer. The more the better, triple it up, makes it harder to defeat.

16 Building Block 3: Friendship
Answer the following question in Google Docs located in Google Classroom: Based on Wooden’s definition of FRIENDSHIP, make a list of people in your life who would qualify as your friends. Look at your list of friends. Who on that list do you trust the most? How could you go about establishing accountability with that person or persons?

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