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Northern Reform Movements

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1 Northern Reform Movements
Team Amazon History

2 In the 1800’s a new religious movement called the Second Great Awakening swept through the nation stirring many religious feelings. Leaders stressed the importance of free will rather than predestination. The focus of the movement was to teach people that they could be saved through their own actions.

3 A revival meeting in Americans would come for miles to hear preachers during the Second Great Awakening. They were called to serve God and make their nation better.

4 Some reformers began turning their attention to the “outsiders” of the world like the criminals and the mentally ill. Reformers like Dorothea Dix sought out legislatures’ help to reform hospitals and prisons.

5 Few Americans understood mental illness in the 1800s, and as a result, attempts to cure “insanity” were often both cruel and unsuccessful.

6 “But failing to obey their order, they then seized her violently and dragged her to the bathroom, where they plunged her into the bathtub of cold water. This shock so convulsed her in agony that she now screamed louder than before. They then drowned her voice by strangulation, by holding her under the water until nearly dead. When she could speak, she plead in the most piteous tones for “Help! Help!” But all in vain. The only response was “Will you scream any more?” She promised she would not, but to make it a thorough “subduing,” they plunged her several times after she had made them this promise! My room was directly opposite with open ventilators over both doors, I could distinctly hear all.” From Insane Asylum’s Unveiled Elizabeth Parsons Ware, 1860

7 In the 1820’s reformers began the Temperance Movement to outlaw alcohol. Women were the major leaders of this movement due to the fact that they knew the so called “demon rum” would lead to wife beatings, child abuse, and the break up of families. In the 1850’s reformers won a major victory when Maine banned the sale of alcohol.

8 “In the Monster’s Clutches”
T.S. Arthur, 1877

9 Women were often the most outspoken critics of “intemperance,” or alcohol abuse. Sometimes they would protest outside bars and taverns.


11 During the 1820’s New York State took the lead in improving public schools and required that every town build a grade school. In Massachusetts Horace Mann became the head of state in education pushing for money to build new schools, extend the school year and raise teachers’ pay.

12 America’s first public schools were often one-room schoolhouses where children of all ages would learn in the same classroom. Older students often helped teach the younger children.

13 Team Amazon – Class of 1872

14 Some other reformers also took steps to improve education for those with disabilities. Thomas Gallaudet set up a school for the deaf in Hartford, CT, and Samuel Gridley Howe became the first director of the first American school for the blind.

15 Abolitionists wanted to end slavery in the United States
Abolitionists wanted to end slavery in the United States. Some of the major leaders in the movement were Frederick Douglass who defied his slave owners and taught himself how to read, William Lloyd Garrison who launched his antislavery paper called The Liberator and Angelina and Sarah Grimke who were the first women to come out and really speak to crowds against slavery in Philadelphia.

16 The Grimké Sisters Frederick Douglass

17 Two of the most influential women were Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton led the fight for women’s rights. In 1848 a major convention was held called the Seneca Falls Convention that addressed the problems that women faced. More than 300 people--including 40 men-- showed up to this convention to draft the Declaration of Sentiments that was based upon the Declaration of Independence.

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