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NIGHT by Elie Wiesel.

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1 NIGHT by Elie Wiesel

2 About the Author Born September 30, 1928 in Sighet, Transylvania
Grew up in a small village where his life revolved around: Family Study of Judaism Community

3 About the Book After the war, Wiesel wrote for French and Jewish publications. He settled in the U.S. in 1956. Breaking his own vow never to write about his death cam experience, Wiesel publishing Night in 1958.


5 DAY 1 - Life in Sighet, Transylvania
*Read: Section 1 (pgs. 3-22) *Write: a brief summary of--- characters setting plot tone

6 DAY 2 - Train to Auschwitz
*Read: Section 2 (pgs ) *Write: - begin A-B-C Graffiti - answer study questions




10 DAY 3 - “Selection” at Birkenau
*Read: Section 3 (pgs ) *Write: - continue A-B-C Graffiti - answer study questions

11 DAY 4 - Loss of faith at Buna
*Read: Section 4 (pgs ) *Write: - Group Element Presentations

12 DAY 5 - The end at Buchenwald
*Read: Section 5 (pgs ) *Write: - finish A-B-C Graffiti

13 After the War After Elie was released from the hospital, he had no family to return to. He went with 400 other orphan children to France. From , he moved from house to house found for him by Children’s Rescue Society.

14 After he was freed from the camp on April 11, Wiesel became sick with intestinal problems.
After several days in the hospital, Wiesel wrote an outline for a book describing the Holocaust. He wasn’t ready to publicize his experience, but promised he would in later years.

15 DAY 6 - Speech Analysis *Read: Nobel Prize Speech (pgs. 117-120)
*Write: complete the quiz

16 Education In 1948, Elie enrolled in the Sorbonne University where he studied literature, philosophy, and psychology. He was extremely poor and very depressed and considered suicide often.

17 The Turning Point Wiesel’s turning point came when he interviewed the Catholic writer, Francois Mauriac. During the interview, everything was centered around Jesus and Wiesel ended up saying the following; "…ten years ago, not very far from here, I knew Jewish children every one of whom suffered a thousand times more, six million times more, than Christ on the cross. And we don’t speak about them." Wiesel ran out of the room, but Mauriac followed and advised Wiesel to write down his experience.

18 The Novel Elie spent a year working on the 862 page manuscript he called And the World Was Silent. He gave it to his publisher who returned it as a 258 page book called Night. The book was published first in France in 1958 and then in the U.S. in 1960. The book is autobiographical and told of his experiences during the Holocaust.

19 Humanitarian Wiesel was outspoken about the suffering of all people, not only Jews. In the 1970s, he protested against South African apartheid. he delivered food to starving Cambodians He explained, “That is why I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation.”

20 U.S. Holocaust Museum In 1993, Wiesel spoke at the dedication of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. His words are carved in stone at the entrance to the museum: “For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.”

21 Quotes to Remember I write to understand as much as to be understood.
No human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them. The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.

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