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Objectives India and Hinduism

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives India and Hinduism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives India and Hinduism Locate and label physical features and early river civilizations of the Indus River Valley Explain how India’s geography impacted the development of early settlements Discuss legacy of Indo-European migrations including Aryans Explain development and central beliefs of Hinduism Illustrate central beliefs on a Mandala Describe characteristics of classical Indian empires Indus River

2 How would you describe the geography of India? Take 30
On which continent is India located? Asia How would you describe the geography of India? Take 30 seconds and talk to your neighbor.

3 Important geographic features:
Mountains: Himalayas Hindu-Kush Karakoram Rivers: Indus Ganges Other features: Deccan plateau Eastern and Western Ghats Khyber Pass


5 What are monsoons? India is considered a subcontinent because:
Karakoram It is surrounded on three sides by water (it is a peninsula) Mountains to the northwest and northeast separate it from the rest of Asia Hindu Kush Himalayas What are monsoons? Winter and summer winds that blow across India

6 India in the summer

7 Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
were the first civilizations of India and they developed on the Indus River. Why did they develop in this location?

8 Flooding along the Indus River was unpredictable. It did leave behind nutrient-rich silt which made the soil fertile for farming. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro developed around 3200 BCE.

9 Historians know less about Harappa and
Mohenjo-Daro because the writing system has never been decoded.

10 Evidence of planned cities and indoor plumbing (toilets!)

11 Artifacts show links to modern Hindu culture
Shiva- is a major Hindu god Worshipped cows

12 Cows are sacred today in India

13 Sudden natural disaster Overfarming
By 1750 BCE, The Indus River civilizations had declined. No one really knows why. Theories surrounding the decline: Sudden natural disaster Overfarming Invasion, possibly by an Indo-European people called the Aryans. The Ganges River in the east would become the center of later civilizations in India.

14 As the Indus River Valley civilizations declined, new civilizations formed along the Ganges River

15 Aryans, an Indo-European people, had migrated to or invaded India blending Aryan beliefs with the beliefs of the Indians (Dravidians). These Aryan beliefs were hymns. They were later written down and called the Vedas. They became the foundation of Hinduism. Aryan Migration

16 The Caste System The Aryans sought to separate themselves from the darker skinned Indians (Dravidians). Over time, a structured and divided society developed known as the Caste System.

17 The Caste system was rigid.
It influenced all social interactions including marriage and occupations. Social classes were divided by occupation. Aryan Varnas Dravidians

18 Each Varna contained many levels or Jatis, based on occupation
People were born into their Jati and could only perform the duties of their Jati The system of Varnas and Jatis is called the Caste system. Even today, young people perform the work of their parents in specific Jatis Think about the work that your parents do. Would you want to do their jobs? Talk to your neighbor -

19 Brahmin The caste system was rooted in Hinduism. Each Varna represents a body part of the god, Purusha, from the Vedas and each Varna represents occupations in society. Kshatriya Vaisya Sudra

20 Can you identify which Varna is which?

21 Hinduism India’s religion developed from the blended beliefs of the Aryans and Dravidians No founder Belief in many forms of one god, Brahma, the Creator Brahma

22 Vishnu the Preserver

23 Shiva the Destroyer

24 Hinduism: Monotheistic or Polytheistic?
Talk to your neighbor

25 Hinduism is a way of life in India
Hindus rise early and bathe in the sacred Ganges River



28 Hindus burn incense and offer prayer

29 Hindus practice Yoga. Yoga is meditation and mind control over body. (Spiritual Discipline)

30 Can you do this?

31 The popularity of yoga in the west is an example of …….
Cultural Diffusion

32 Central Beliefs of Hinduism
Belief in many forms of one god Reincarnation: Rebirth of a human soul based on karma Karma = deeds; all thoughts and actions result in future consequences. “Om”= most sacred sound and spiritual symbol in Hinduism

33 Reincarnation means “Rebirth”.
An individual spirit (ATMAN) is born again and again until Moksha is achieved. The cycle of reincarnation is called “Samsara.”

34 Moksha: A state of perfect understanding of all things and release from life in this world


36 Karma is the sum of your good deeds throughout your life
Good karma= reincarnation to a higher varna in the caste system until Moksha is achieved Dharma= the religious law or moral duty outlined in Hindu scriptures

37 Two sacred texts are important to Hindus:
The Vedas are sacred hymns Interpretations of the Vedas

38 Jainism also developed at this time in India
Jainism also developed at this time in India. Jains believe that everything in the universe has a soul and should not be harmed. They practice non-violence even to insects.


40 Objectives: Describe characteristics of empires of India during the Classical period Sequence key events during Mauryan and Guptan Empires

41 Around 600 BCE, the first empire united many small kingdoms
During the classical period, India was fragmented with intermittent empires Around 600 BCE, the first empire united many small kingdoms It was called the Mauryan Empire Ganges River The classical empires were centered on the Ganges river

42 The Mauryan Empire, led by Chandragupta Maurya,
spanned more than 2,000 miles. Chandragupta Maurya built his empire by conquest. He had an army of 600,000 and defeated Alexander the Great’s successor, Seleucus, near the Indus River valley in 303 BCE.

43 Under Chandragupta Maurya:
His advisor, Kautilya, wrote the Arthasastra, about how to keep a vast empire together Written in Sanskrit, the book urged rulers to conquer neighboring kingdoms that are weak and maintain an army of spies.

44 In 269 BCE, Chandragupta’s grandson, Asoka assumed the throne; under Asoka:
Battled neighbors until battle of Kalinga, where he lost 100,000 soldiers Asoka, deeply affected by the loss of life and suffering, began to study Buddhism

45 Asoka: Spread Buddhist teachings by constructing huge pillars inscribed with Buddhist teachings throughout his empire. They were called Asoka’s Edicts. These pillars urged non-violence and acceptance of other religions Asoka built: improved roads created public wells hospitals veterinary clinics rest stops for travelers throughout his kingdom

46 Asoka: Appointed missionaries who spread Buddhism throughout India, China and S.E. Asia After Asoka died in 232 BCE, the Mauryan empire fell apart

47 A period of disunity and regional kingdoms followed Asoka’s death and lasted for
500 years. Then, in 320 CE, Chandra Gupta united India into its second empire, the Gupta Empire.

48 Which empire was larger, geographically? Mauryan or Guptan?

49 The Gupta empire brought about the flowering of Indian and Hindu culture and advancements in math and science

50 Cultural achievements:
Literature flourished: Kalidasa wrote Shakuntala, a classic love story Drama and dancing became important elements of Indian culture

51 Commercial Achievements - Trade
Indian merchants traded goods such as spices, diamonds, sapphires, gold, sandalwood, cotton and teakwood along the Silk Roads. Traders also spread religion eastward. Buddhism spread from India throughout China and Southeast Asia.

52 Scientific Achievements:
Indian astronomers proved that the earth was round by observing a lunar eclipse Advanced mathematics: Indian numerals are the numbers we use today but the Arabic civilizations would get the credit. the number “Zero” and the decimal system Indian Mathematicians calculated the length of the solar year very accurately Indian doctors made advancements in medicine, surgery and they compiled medical texts

53 Scientific achievements continued
Mathematician Aryabhata calculated the length of the solar year very accurately Continued advancements in medicine and surgery-compiled medical texts

54 Ancient and Classical India Timeline
500 years of disunity and regional rule 1900 BCE 1500 BCE 500 BCE 326 BCE 321 BCE 320 CE Mohenjo Daro And Harappa thrived The Vedas composed Siddhartha Gautama originated Buddhism Sanskrit was first written Mauryan Empire unites India- Ashoka rules from Alexander Invades and departs Indus River Valley Guptan Empire rules India Aryan invasions

55 https://cougar. collegiate-va. org/psinkler/indus_valley/valley_map

56 http://globaltwilight. edublogs. org/files/2011/03/caste_system-oo4t9n

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