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is really good, ‘Good News’

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1 is really good, ‘Good News’
The Methodist Church A discipleship movement shaped for mission for such a time as this? Why Methodism is really good, ‘Good News’ Martyn Atkins General Secretary of the Methodist Church Martyn Atkins: Superintendent Minister Methodist Central Hall Westminster, London

2 A discipleship movement shaped for mission
The Methodist Church A discipleship movement shaped for mission for such a time as this? The Methodist Church: A discipleship movement shaped for mission for such a time as this? Martyn Atkins General Secretary of the Methodist Church

3 A discipleship movement shaped for mission
The Methodist Church A discipleship movement shaped for mission for such a time as this? Methodist Christian discipleship is rooted in and focussed on Jesus Christ, resourced by the Spirit of God, is both life-long and whole-life, communal rather than solitary, committed to transforming and serving ‘the world’, locally, nationally and globally and so is lived out on a ‘big map’, all offered as worship to God as loving obedience Martyn Atkins General Secretary of the Methodist Church

4 Good news ‘doctrines’... The Methodist Church
A missional ecclesiology Four ‘alls’ the primacy of divine grace The Methodist Church A discipleship movement shaped for mission for such a time as this? Martyn Atkins General Secretary of the Methodist Church

5 Good news ‘doctrines’... The Methodist Church
The scope of Christ’s atoning death A ‘big’ Holy Spirit (prevenience) The Catholic Spirit The Methodist Church A discipleship movement shaped for mission for such a time as this? Martyn Atkins General Secretary of the Methodist Church

6 A discipleship movement shaped for mission
The Methodist Church A discipleship movement shaped for mission for such a time as this? “Good news’ ‘instincts’ ‘connexional’ communal/corporate combined ‘piety’ & ‘mercy’ committed to ‘the world’ Martyn Atkins General Secretary of the Methodist Church

7 A discipleship movement shaped for mission
The Methodist Church A discipleship movement shaped for mission for such a time as this? Good news ‘structures’ ! ? small groups accountability worship Martyn Atkins General Secretary of the Methodist Church

8 A discipleship movement shaped for mission
The Methodist Church A discipleship movement shaped for mission for such a time as this? Recite a new story Remember your future! Release giftedness Resolve not to regret Martyn Atkins General Secretary of the Methodist Church

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