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Disinhibition, a Circuit Mechanism for Associative Learning and Memory

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1 Disinhibition, a Circuit Mechanism for Associative Learning and Memory
Johannes J. Letzkus, Steffen B.E. Wolff, Andreas Lüthi  Neuron  Volume 88, Issue 2, Pages (October 2015) DOI: /j.neuron Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Disinhibition Recruited by Unconditioned Stimuli
(A) Unconditioned Stimuli driving acquisition of fear conditioning (A) cause disinhibition of projection neurons, increase stimulus-induced activity, and enhance associative learning in both auditory cortex and the amygdala. (B) The US activates cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain, triggering release of acetylcholine (ACh). In auditory cortex ACh rapidly activates inhibitory interneurons in layer 1 (L1) and likely also VIP-expressing interneurons in deeper cortical layers. Layer 1 and VIP interneurons in turn provide phasic inhibition to their main targets, PV- and SOM-expressing interneurons, causing disinhibition of the entire somatodendritic domain of projection neurons. Activation of this microcircuit by the US increases projection neuron responses to concomitantly presented auditory stimuli, and enhances associative learning. Adapted from Froemke et al. (2007), Letzkus et al. (2011), and Pi et al. (2013). (C) A similar mechanism mediates fear learning in the basolateral amygdala. Both PV- and SOM-expressing interneurons are strongly inhibited during the US. As in auditory cortex, this leads to phasic disinhibition of the entire somatodendritic domain of projection cells in the amygdala, causes an increase of their US-induced activity, and enhances associative learning. The source of disinhibition in the amygdala has not been identified, but in analogy to auditory cortex VIP-expressing interneurons are a likely candidate. Adapted from Wolff et al. (2014). Neuron  , DOI: ( /j.neuron ) Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 2 Disinhibition Recruited by Conditioned Stimuli
(A1 and B1) Disinhibition evoked by auditory conditioned stimuli enhances neuronal and behavioral responses during memory acquisition (A1) and expression (B1). (A2) During auditory fear learning, the CS causes a phasic shift in the excitation/ inhibition balance along the somatodendritic axis of projection neurons in the basolateral amygdala. PV-expressing interneurons are activated by the CS. While this leads to an increase in perisomatic inhibition onto projection neurons, PV cells also inhibit dendrite-targeting SOM-expressing interneurons, recruiting simultaneous disinhibition of projection neuron dendrites. The dendrites of projection neurons also receive the majority of excitatory auditory inputs, and the CS-induced disinhibition of the same compartment serves to enhance CS responses. This boosting of auditory responses results in enhanced associative learning. The function of the simultaneously increased perisomatic inhibition remains to be determined. Adapted from Wolff et al. (2014). (B2) Disinhibition is also crucially involved in memory expression. Presentation of a previously fear-conditioned auditory stimulus (CS) causes phasic inhibition of PV interneurons in the dorso-medial prefrontal cortex. The resulting disinhibition enhances the CS responses of projection cells. In parallel, phasic disinhibition causes a phase reset of ongoing theta oscillations, leading to a subsequent increase in synchronous firing of projection neurons. Together, these effects result in a boosting of memory expression and in increased fear responses. The source of inhibition of PV interneurons by the CS remains to be identified. Adapted from Courtin et al. (2014). Neuron  , DOI: ( /j.neuron ) Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. Terms and Conditions

4 Figure 3 Long-Term Disinhibition Controlling the Circuit Plasticity State Disinhibition acting on prolonged timescales of up to several days controls the potential for plasticity induction in neuronal circuits of developing and adult animals. (A) The enhanced potential for plasticity induction in visual cortex during the critical period is mediated by disinhibition. One day of visual deprivation during the critical period reduces the strength of excitatory inputs to PV-expressing interneurons in visual cortex. This reduced excitatory drive leads to lowered visual responses of PV interneurons and a release of projection neurons from perisomatic inhibition. The resulting disinhibition of projection neurons strongly increases visual responses and mediates ocular dominance plasticity in visual cortex. Adapted from Kuhlman et al. (2013). (B) Adult hippocampal plasticity can be regulated by learning-induced, long-term disinhibition. The start of spatial learning in the Morris water maze causes an increase in activity of VIP-expressing interneurons, which in turn inhibit PV interneurons. The resulting disinhibition of projection neurons allows for increased structural plasticity during spatial learning. In addition, this state of reduced inhibition and enhanced plasticity is associated with improved performance in other hippocampus-dependent tasks like novel object recognition. The disinhibited circuit state persists for several days, until task acquisition is completed. Subsequently, PV interneuron-mediated inhibition is enhanced, and the network reverts to a less plastic state in which the acquired memories are less susceptible to modifications. Adapted from Donato et al. (2013). Neuron  , DOI: ( /j.neuron ) Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. Terms and Conditions

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