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Transcription factors defining dorsal or ventral identity are differentially expressed in dorsal and ventral hamartomas in TSC. Transcription factors defining.

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Presentation on theme: "Transcription factors defining dorsal or ventral identity are differentially expressed in dorsal and ventral hamartomas in TSC. Transcription factors defining."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transcription factors defining dorsal or ventral identity are differentially expressed in dorsal and ventral hamartomas in TSC. Transcription factors defining dorsal or ventral identity are differentially expressed in dorsal and ventral hamartomas in TSC. (A) Representative fields from tilescans of human TSC cortical tubers stained with hematoxylin and eosin (left) or for DAPI (blue) and EMX1 (center, red) or NKX2.1 (right, red). Note the enlarged balloon cells (arrows) typical of tubers. Quantification of % positive nuclei for each factor is shown below. EMX1 is abundantly expressed (P < versus NPC), whereas NKX2.1 is not (P = ). N = 4 tubers, each dot = 1 region of interest (ROI), 4–5 ROIs/tuber. (B) Representative fields from tilescans of human SEGA tumors stained with hematoxylin and eosin (left) or for DAPI (blue) and EMX1 (center, red) or NKX2.1 (right, red). Quantification of positive nuclei is shown below, as in (A). In these ventral tumors, EMX1 is not widely expressed (P = ), but NKX2.1 is abundant (P < ). N = 4 SEGAs, each dot = 1 ROI, 5 ROIs/SEGA. Mann–Whitney tests were used. All scale bars = 100 μm. Gabrielle V Rushing et al. LSA 2019;2:e © 2019 Rushing et al.

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