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Compare Key Assessment Grade with Target Grade.

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1 Compare Key Assessment Grade with Target Grade.
A homework task is set every lesson or students should review PLCs and next steps advice T1/2 = Term 1 / Report 2 Compare Key Assessment Grade with Target Grade. Where are the biggest gaps? When are the extended day sessions running? Review the course content to identify the gaps, ask for teacher support. Specific subject advice in light of recent Key Assessments These should be worked on during independent study time or at home to meet or exceed target grades (PLCs) Next steps advice Year 12 – Autumn 1, Spring 1 & Summer 1 Year 13 Autumn 2, Spring 2 Encourage your son or daughter to be achieving 3, 2,or 1 in their AtL scores. Which subjects need more focus for the next ½ term? C+ = strong 7 C- = borderline with D+ What should become the focus to secure the grade or move up to the next grade? Attendance. School target is 96% Please keep a close eye on this percentage each term If attendance is below 90% this equates to over 105 lost learning hours Report grading explained Current position, reflect upon where your son/daughter is positioned. What targets could you set at home for the next 6 weeks, before the next report is published?

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