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Presentation on theme: "GODLY ORDER GODLY CHAOS UNGODLY ORDER UNGODLY CHAOS"— Presentation transcript:

Regular relationship with Jesus Relationship with Jesus no.1 Priority in our life Being obedient to his will Growing in Discipleship Word / Prayer Centre of God’s Will GODLY CHAOS Stepping into the unknown Growing in obedience Counting the cost of faith Embracing God fueled change Trusting God in new ways Living by faith and not by sight UNGODLY ORDER We control everything in our own lives- little reliance on God Over emphasis on things other than Jesus- JC not the focus. Comfortable Going through the motions of faith UNGODLY CHAOS Living in the reality of a fallen world Sickness & Death The chaos of our own sin Rebellion and Disobedience Our sin bears consequences

2 GODLY ORDER Discipleship In relationship with Jesus.
In His Word/ Prayer Intimacy and trust and an ever increasing and deepening faith. Sweet spot where we feel that we are exactly where God wants us to be. Found our calling and purpose in life in Him True joy and true fulfilment in this place of godly order. This is where God wants us to live. It’s the place of transformational change with ever increasing glory becoming like Jesus.

3 UNGODLY ORDER Order things around ourselves (no longer around Jesus- it’s around us) Comfort, go through the motions of faith Jesus is no longer the focus, because other things in life have become more important (house, car, friendships, money our hobbies, even our families) have become more important than Jesus in our lives. He’s been nudged off the throne and replaced with things that God has given us for our enjoyment (good things) but they have become our ultimate focus when they were never meant to be Ungodly order- that’s what happens when we take our eyes off Jesus- he becomes part of the blur on the periphery of our lives.

4 UNGODLY CHAOS This is part of the temporary reality of living in a fallen, broken world where the consequences of sin are still seen in things like sickness and death. Within our own congregation in the last couple of weeks we have had people who have lost loved ones. When a loved one becomes ill or passes away we feel the chaos of sin in this broken world, impact our lives beyond our control, but at other times the chaos we experience is self-inflicted by our own sin. As we stray from God we plunge into chaos because When we sin, there are consequences that can cause chaos in our lives. Result of our own decisions, times we disobey God, rebel and sin against Him. We find ourselves in an ungodly chaos that is destructive in our lives and faith.

5 Both ungodly order and ungodly chaos occur in our lives when we take our eyes off Jesus.

6 GODLY CHAOS •Obedience •Counting the cost of faith
•Stepping into the unknown, where God can call us to step even from a place of godly order into a place of godly chaos. •Obedience •Counting the cost of faith •Embracing God fuelled change •Trusting God •Living by faith and not by sight (E.G Peter walking on the water


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