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It’s a number game… 4 31% unlimited 16 88% and 75% 58% %

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Presentation on theme: "It’s a number game… 4 31% unlimited 16 88% and 75% 58% %"— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s a number game… 4 31% 2 50 43 unlimited 16 88% and 75% 58% 211 71%
18-30 50 40% 43 unlimited 88% and 75% 16 58% 4 31% 211 1-48 71% 49% 7 (+/-2) 37% 2 7 ½ - 3 70% 34 32% 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 33% lifetime 60% 40% (12/30) 41% compared to 29%

2 Miller HM Bahrick Baddeley Tulving Jacobs Peterson and Peterson
It’s a name game… Godden and Baddeley Baddeley and Hitch Miller Loftus and Pickerill Loftus and Palmer Carter and Cassidy Underwood Clive wearing Yuille and Cutshall Loftus Atkinson and Shiffron KF Beardsley and squire HM Christianson and Hubinette Bahrick Gabbert kohnken Baddeley Geiselman Tulving Schmidt Jacobs Valentine and mesout

3 45 50 15-450 300 1963 100% 35% 7 It’s a number game… 32% 5% 15 5 21 33
1/3 33 45 21 12 out of 18 50 65% 92.5% 9 15-450 10% 40 26% 300 13 4.50 1963 100% 3 20 92.5 35% 48 74% 7

4 Milgram It’s a name game… Eagly Perrin and Spencer Hofling Sherif
Kelman Moscovici McGee Spector Asch Milgram and Elms Ben Blum Smith and Bond Bickman Adorno Zimbardo Nolan Oliner and Oliner Zilmer Jenness Rotter Reicher and Haslam Williams and Warschall Nemeth

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