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English 10 - 5/7/18 What will get you the best score for your opening paragraph? What features? Why? How do you make a bandstand? Fifinella – a female.

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Presentation on theme: "English 10 - 5/7/18 What will get you the best score for your opening paragraph? What features? Why? How do you make a bandstand? Fifinella – a female."— Presentation transcript:

1 English /7/18 What will get you the best score for your opening paragraph? What features? Why? How do you make a bandstand? Fifinella – a female gremlin. Goals – Review themes; decide on thesis. Discuss how to complete the opening paragraph. Questions about assignment or rubric? Homework – Complete D1 for review tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for quiz #29 on Friday. Take away their chairs.

2 English /8/18 What is easy or hard about writing the subject you have chosen? Why? What can you do to solve difficulties? What do police use to arrest pigs? Bdellism – infestation with leaches or use of leaches for blood letting. Goals – Examples of topic sentences and quotations. Go to lab 107 to write. Homework – Write the three topic sentences and Save as D2. Ham Cuffs.

3 English /9/18 What is the connection between Life of Pi and possible real life events? Why are a door knob and a cute baby alike? Frail – 50 pounds of raisins Goals – Discuss the connection between the quote and author purpose in the body paragraphs. Homework – Finish quotes and author purpose for all body paragraphs. They are both something to a door.

4 English /10/18 What challenges do you think you face in your life? What do you think will be the most effective way to handle it? What did the snail say while he was riding on the turtle’s back? Amaranth – a magic flower that never fades or withers. Goals – Work on explaining how lessons from the book will benefit you in life. Homework – Vocab. 29 tomorrow. Whee!

5 English 10 - 5/11/18 Five minutes to study for quiz #29.
What is a bud that doesn’t bloom? Bilocation – the ability to be in two different locations at the same time. Goals – Complete Quiz 29 successfully. Go to lab to work on body paragraphs. Homework – Make sure you have all your body paragraphs complete for Monday. I will be collecting them and assigning points. Taste bud.

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