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Presentation on theme: "Processing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Processing

2 -Equalizer -Compressor -Gate -Reverb -Delay
Processing -Equalizer -Compressor -Gate -Reverb -Delay

3 Processing -Equalizer:
Equalizers are filters that adjust the gain (volume) of specific frequencies. 

4 EQ Graphic

5 EQ Parametric Frequency Gain Q

6 Processing -Compressor: Compression reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal by bringing down the level of the loudest parts, meaning the loud and quiet parts are now closer together in volume and the natural volume variations are less obvious. The compressor can then boost the overall level of this compressed signal. So the end result is that the quieter parts sound like they’ve been boosted in volume to be closer to the louder parts.

7 -Compressor: Threshold Ratio Attack Release Output Gain Knee
Processing -Compressor: Threshold Ratio Attack Release Output Gain Knee

8 -Compressor: Threshold Ratio Attack Release Output Gain Knee
Processing -Compressor: Threshold Ratio Attack Release Output Gain Knee

9 Processing -Gate: A noise gate or gate is used to control the volume of an audio signal. Comparable to a compressor, which attenuates signals above a threshold, noise gates attenuate signals that register below the threshold.

10 -Gate: Threshold Range Attack Hold Decay/Release
Processing -Gate: Threshold Range Attack Hold Decay/Release

11 -Gate: Threshold Range Attack Hold Decay/Release
Processing -Gate: Threshold Range Attack Hold Decay/Release

12 -Equalizer -Compressor -Gate -Reverb -Delay
Processing -Equalizer -Compressor -Gate -Reverb -Delay Audio passes through the processor. Audio is sent out in parallel to the original source to a processor and the output from the processor is combined with the original signal in the mixer.

13 -Reverb -Delay Sends Returns
Processing -Reverb -Delay Sends Returns

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