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Gymnázium, Broumov, Hradební 218 Vzdělávací oblast: Anglický jazyk – reálie, tématické okruhy Číslo materiálu: EU060315 Název: Prague quiz Autor: Mgr.

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Presentation on theme: "Gymnázium, Broumov, Hradební 218 Vzdělávací oblast: Anglický jazyk – reálie, tématické okruhy Číslo materiálu: EU060315 Název: Prague quiz Autor: Mgr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gymnázium, Broumov, Hradební 218 Vzdělávací oblast: Anglický jazyk – reálie, tématické okruhy Číslo materiálu: EU060315 Název: Prague quiz Autor: Mgr. Martina Salašová Ročník: třetí čtyřletého gymnázia Doporučený čas: 20 minut Materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu Gymnázium Broumov v OP Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost, reg. č. CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0219. Stručná anotace Materiál slouží k výuce reálií o Praze. Formou kvízu se žáci seznámí s informacemi o Praze. Kvíz má 10 otázek, správné odpovědi jsou v druhé části prezentace, kde jsou i doplňující informace.


3 1 Which figure is not around the Astronomical Clock? 1 The skeleton representing death 2 A vain man looking into his mirror 3 A beggar asking for bread 4 A miser with a sack of money

4 2 How many towers has the City of a Hundered Spires? 1 Approximately 500 2 Approximately 650 3 Approximately 350 4 Approximately 400

5 3 Who didn´t visit Prague? 1 Albert Einstein 2 Ludwig van Beethoven 3 John Lennon 4 Graham Greene

6 4 How many statues are there on Charles Bridge? 1 25 2 30 3 35 4 40

7 5 Which is not a part of the Lesser Quarter? 1 Nerudova Street 2 The Church of St Nicholas 3 The Petřín lookout tower 4 Bertramka

8 6 Who is not buried in the Vyšehrad cemetery? 1 Antonín Dvořák 2 Alfons Mucha 3 Waldemar Matuška 4 Jaroslav Seifert

9 7 Which place is not on the UNESCO list? 1 The National Theatre 2 The Old Jewish Quarter 3 Charles Bridge 4 Prague Castle and St. Vitus Cathedral

10 8 Who is the Mayor of Prague? 1 Pavel Bém 2 Bohuslav Svoboda 3 Vladimír Dlouhý 4 Tomáš Sokol

11 9 What is the official name of the airport? 1 Airport Ruzyně 2 Airport Prague 3 Václav Havel Airport Prague 4 TGM Airport Prague

12 1 Which figure is not around the Astronomical Clock? 1 The skeleton representing death 2 A vain man looking into his mirror 3 A beggar asking for bread 4 A miser with a sack of money

13 2 How many towers has the City of a Hundered Spires? 1 Approximately 500 2 Approximately 650 3 Approximately 350 4 Approximately 400

14 3 Who didn´t visit Prague? 1 Albert Einstein (1911, teaching) 2 Ludwig van Beethoven (1796) 3 John Lennon 4 Graham Greene (1948, meeting his Czech publisher)

15 4 How many statues are there on Charles Bridge? 1 25 2 30 (the Statue of St John Nepomuk, Crucifix, Bruncvik, St. Ludmila and little Wenceslas …) 3 35 4 40

16 5 Which is not a part of the Lesser Quarter? 1 Nerudova Street (house signs – At the Three Fiddles – 3 generations of violin makers, At the Two Suns …) 2 The Church of St Nicholas( Dientzenhofers´ masterpiece) 3 The Petřín lookout tower 4 Bertramka (Mozart stayed here)

17 6 Who is not buried in the Vyšehrad cemetery? 1 Antonín Dvořák (composer) 2 Alfons Mucha (painter) 3 Waldemar Matuška (singer) 4 Jaroslav Seifert (poet, buried in Kralupy n. Vltavou)

18 7 Which place is not on the UNESCO list? 1 The National Theatre 2 The Old Jewish Quarter 3 Charles Bridge 4 Prague Castle and St. Vitus Cathedral

19 8 Who is the Mayor of Prague? 1 Pavel Bém 2 Bohuslav Svoboda 3 Vladimír Dlouhý 4 Tomáš Sokol

20 9 What is the official name of the airport? 1 Airport Ruzyně 2 Airport Prague 3 Václav Havel Airport Prague 4 TGM Airport Prague

21 10 Which movie was not shot in Prague? 1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 2 Mission Impossible 3 Amadeus 4 Kolja

22 Zdroje Autor prezentace Obr. č. 1: Učebnice Angličtina-Maturitní témata, Mgr. Dagmar El.Hnoudová, Nakl. Petra Velanová, 2006

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