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Zero Expansion January 10, 2008 Presentation. Zero Expansions Goals Educate and Inform Public About the Truth and Counteract Spin on Airport Issues Advocate.

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Presentation on theme: "Zero Expansion January 10, 2008 Presentation. Zero Expansions Goals Educate and Inform Public About the Truth and Counteract Spin on Airport Issues Advocate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zero Expansion January 10, 2008 Presentation

2 Zero Expansions Goals Educate and Inform Public About the Truth and Counteract Spin on Airport Issues Advocate for Residents Affected by Airport Issues

3 Pro-Active Steps for Residents Noise Issues Pollution Issues Updated Analyses

4 Noise Residents feel voluntary nighttime restriction is ineffective 1.Identify by company name, or if non-business flight/individuals, then assign an identification number, for all violators of curfew and post on MAC website with City link to site Provide legitimacy and trends to residents Maintain confidentiality Additional incentive for operators to follow voluntary restrictions, less likely to ignore letters 2.Provide more accurate information on nighttime flights. Use ANOMS data from 10/31/03 to present on a yearly basis to see trends and if FEIS predictions are still accurate and post on website with City link Would give residents additional information and perception of keeping track Yearly comparison could show nighttime trends as to whether curfew is effective (Lanners comment on only a single individual for most complaints)

5 Noise Residents feel voluntary nighttime restriction is ineffective 3.Use ANOMS data in addition to complaints to investigate all nighttime flights and follow procedures on all violators for select months and provide on website MACs identification and investigation of all nighttime ops would demonstrate commitment to protecting residents from noise May capture operators who have not been sent warning letters 4.Use ANOMS to verify if aircraft are using flight paths to minimize noise as directed in Noise Abatement Plan such as traffic patterns, take-off and landing, etc. 5.Any incentive program for FBOs for time period of no nighttime flights or following preferred routes?

6 Noise Residents are concerned about increased noise after expansion 1.Use INM 7.0 for more accurate noise curves (helicopter noise and propeller aircraft, banking) and provide in an updates FEIS 2.Stop the spin, dont minimize residents concern. On November 14, 2007, Karla Wennerstrom of the Eden Prairie News asked MAC Chair Lanners the following question, and received the following answer:

7 Noise Q: In your opinion do you think it will be noisier after the 5,000 foot runway is built than the year before it is complete? I dont know if I can answer that. Its all relative to the person, I think. Theres no reason that it should be noisier. But will there be an increase in operations that would be noticeable, I really dont think so. Noise will increase after expansion, even assuming no increase in operations because aircraft carrying heavier loads will be noisier MAC predicts an increase of jet operations at Flying Cloud by 25 % for Citation II, and III- type aircraft and a 50% increase in Lear 35/36/55 type aircraft from expansion, resulting in increased noise from more operations. Table A.3.5 and A.3.6 in FEIS Over 300 more homes will have airport noise levels incompatible with residential living than if expansion does not occur. Table Q-7 of FEIS Four noisy aircraft will be able to use Flying Cloud with expansion that cannot use Flying Cloud at all at its current length: the Dassault Falcon 20G, 900B, Raytheon Hawker 125- 1000 and 125 800XP. The 60,000 lb weight-restriction may not prohibit > 60,0000 planes, allowing even noisier aircraft to land

8 Pollution Residents are concerned about pollution 1.Disclose current and future hazardous emissions, (non-criteria pollutants (VOCs), Nitrous oxides, and fine particulate matter), from FCM and MSP and construct new hanger area to minimize taxi time and idling (What version of EDMS used in FEIS?) What else can be done? 2.Watch South Coast Air Quality Management Districts webcast on 2/13/08 regarding aircraft emissions impact on air quality and technologies and strategies to reduce it. rumAnnouncement.pdf rumAnnouncement.pdf 3. FAA knows that pollution from aviation has an impact on residents as demonstrated by its study on reduced thrust. Provide a similar analysis for MSP and FCM tory/media/ tory/media/

9 Pollution

10 FAA Study on Reduction of Thrust

11 FAA Study on Reduced Thrust


13 Updated Analysis 1.Provide information on property devaluation, possible method could be the formula in thrust study

14 FAAs Reduced Thrust Study

15 Updated Analysis 2.If Crystal closes, what amount of increase at FCM would be experienced? 3.A lot has changed since the late 1980s when the expansion was first proposed. – If upgraded ANOMS software, show number of stopover flights; a 1997 survey shows 16-29 stopovers a year – Hanger space has been available for 6 months – In the FEIS, MAC estimated MSP operations to be 640,000 in 2010 and cited this congestion as reason for expansion of FCM... Operations have decreased for the last 3 years at MSP and are at 453,566 for 2007, the lowest level since 1993 – Oil prices near all-time-record high – Global warming/CO2 levels at crisis stage – VLJs, the prediction for the future of aviation dont need a 5000 ft runway...what else will technology bring to eliminate need for expansion?

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