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Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on the Financing Policy 7 November 2001 Department of Social Development

2 Department of Social Development
MINMEC Review MINMEC decision to review Financing Policy in February 2001 Review was motivated by: Concerns raised by internal and external stakeholders, including Portfolio Committee MINMEC observations about protracted process of implementation Confusion about status of the Financing Policy Department of Social Development

3 Department of Social Development
Terms of Reference MINMEC Task Team: MEC Free State (Convener) MEC Northern Province MEC Mpumalanga MEC Eastern Cape Aim: High level review to identify problems with content and implementation of Financing Policy Department of Social Development

4 Department of Social Development
Review Process Reviewed documents/reports of evaluative nature Reviewed progress reports from the provinces to the National Transformation Management Team MINMEC directive for all activities relating to implementation to cease immediately MINMEC Task Team submitted report in May 2001 Department of Social Development

5 Findings of Review:Content Issues
Vision of Financing Policy fragments services into children, youth, women and older persons Framework for developmental welfare services is based on framework for Transformation of Child & Youth Care System – inappropriate as latter derives from youth in conflict with the law Department of Social Development

6 Findings of Review:Content Issues
Policy shift to integrated service delivery is contradicted by age specialisation Categorisation of financing options is not clear – overlaps, too many meaning similar things, e.g. grant financing and project financing Department of Social Development

7 Findings of Review: Operational
Transformation Management Teams at national and provincial levels were running processes independent of HODs Membership of task teams based on personal allegiances rather than suitability for the task Task teams are not intersectoral, so perpetuating lack of integration Lack of strategic leadership and vision to translate goals into concrete action Department of Social Development

8 Findings of Review: Operational
Shifting goal posts and no clear deliverables linked to timeframes No clear and coherent system to manage implementation process: Several pilot projects implemented without co-ordination Monitoring based on reports from provinces without verification of reports No system to evaluate implementation Department of Social Development

9 Findings of Review: Operational
Implementation bogged down by complex administrative systems/tools suitable for traditional welfare organisations and not emerging CBOs Complex systems defeat objective of Financing Policy to redress past imbalances Resistance to learning from other programmes, e.g. Poverty Relief Department of Social Development

10 Findings of Review: Operational
Development Quality Assurance problematic as major tool: Complicated tool requiring intensive training Training in DQA delivered only be NGO which developed the tool Management and implementation centred on funding and protecting traditional NGOs, rather than needs and priorities of service delivery Department of Social Development

11 Findings of Review: Operational
Failure of national department to ensure broad consultation on policy prior to implementation Resource implications and costing not dealt with adequately Existing legislative framework may be inconsistent with Financing Policy Unclear which aspects of policy would be piloted and how pilots would be funded Department of Social Development

12 Findings of Review: Operational
Lack of shared understanding about the policy Lack of commitment to strategic issues Subjectivity of transformation plans Failure of Transformation Task Teams to report to MINMEC, Ministers, MECs, Departmental Management and stakeholders Department of Social Development

13 Department of Social Development
Key Recommendations Overall conclusion: Policy has good intentions, but lacks direction to advance implementation Implementation of policy to be held in abeyance until detailed review is done Funding to continue on current basis Principles of policy to be retained Department of Social Development

14 Department of Social Development
Key Recommendations Detailed review and revision to include: Legislation/regulation to be developed to enforce policy Costing of policy to consider financial implications for government and partners Costing of basket of services to be done with assistance of experts Treasury to be sensitised to provide short term injection of funds Department of Social Development

15 Department of Social Development
Key Recommendations Review (cont) Development of norms and standards for service delivery Proper linkages to be established between Policy and other programmes (social security, HIV/AIDS, Poverty Relief Name of policy to be changed to reflect objectives accurately National Department to drive review and complete by March 2003 Department of Social Development

16 Department of Social Development
Key Recommendations Temporary measures be taken to address access to services in rural areas: Support to NGOs working in nodal points of ISRDS Prioritising services in poverty pockets Redirect funds from administration to direct service delivery Consult National Development Agency to direct support to CBOs and NGOs with development focus Active guidance to traditional NGOs in transformation Department of Social Development

17 Transformation Agenda
Proposal from National Department to MINMEC in June 2001 to adopt more comprehensive approach to transformation of welfare services Motivation for comprehensive approach: Financing Policy is one of many transformation initiatives Fragmentation of different initiatives Department of Social Development

18 Department of Social Development
Outputs of Review Norms and standards for services: A gap analysis between service needs and service provision An audit of service provision by the national and provincial departments An audit of service provision by subsidized welfare organizations, including national councils An audit of the numbers and skills of provincial department officials involved in delivery of services §         A gap analysis between service needs and service provision §         Department of Social Development

19 Department of Social Development
Outputs of Review Human Resource Issues: Finalise HRD Strategy for sector Revise curriculum for social service professionals Review and revise service conditions of social service professionals to address issues of low morale and low retention          Department of Social Development

20 Department of Social Development
Outputs of Review Improving infrastructure: Location of service centres and service points, focus on rural areas, informal settlements Equipment of service centres Upgrading or establishing facilities for target groups in rural areas and under-serviced urban areas          Department of Social Development

21 Department of Social Development
Outputs of Review Review of welfare policies and legislation in addition to content of Financing Policy, e.g National Welfare Act Fund Raising Act Social Work Act Prevention and Treatment of Drug Dependency Act Department of Social Development

22 Department of Social Development
Outputs of Review Financial Issues: Costing of services (to be informed by norms and standards) Simplifying options for financing of services provided by NGOs and CBOs Costing implementation of transformation programme and identification of sources of funding A system for monitoring the implementation of the programme and evaluating the effectiveness of the programme should be developed as an integral part of the programme and not as an afterthought. This will involve the following: §         Developing key performance indicators for monitoring §         Designing a system for collecting information, analyzing information and reporting Commissioning impact evaluation studies Department of Social Development

23 Department of Social Development
Outputs of Review Monitoring and evaluation: Must be integral part of programme, not afterthought Key Performance Indicators identified Design system for data collection Commission impact evaluation studies Department of Social Development

24 Department of Social Development
Outputs of Review Implementation Plan: Set out institutional arrangements Procedure manuals for officials, NGOs, CBOs Training programme in new approach Ongoing communication programme for all role players Consultation with broad spectrum of role players Department of Social Development

25 Department of Social Development
Outputs of Review Managing review process: Director-General to drive process with a task team of national and provincial officials and ad hoc experts Progress reports to MINMEC through Heads of Social Development Issue to be standing item on MINMEC agenda Department of Social Development

26 Department of Social Development
Issues and Challenges Scope of project requires dedicated financial and human resources How to draw in existing initiatives without slowing down their progress Sequencing the various elements of the project Developing a sensible interim funding policy for NGOs and CBOs Department of Social Development


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