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The latest result of BNS merger simulations.

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Presentation on theme: "The latest result of BNS merger simulations."— Presentation transcript:

1 The latest result of BNS merger simulations.
Simulations using parametric EOS: Realistic EOS (T=0) + Ideal gas (thermal) P=Pcold + Pth Pcold : FPS or SLy Modified fitting formula by Haensel & Potekhin (2004) Error to the table < 10% , for r =1010 » 2£1014 [g/cm3] < 2% , for r > 2£ [g/cm3] Pth = (Gth - 1) reth : eth = e - ecold Gth = 2, (also 1.3, 1.65).

2 Property of the cold part of the EOS.
Stiffer in high density side, compare to our earlier simulations G=2»2.25. Haensel & Potekhin (2004)

3 Results of simulations
Merger products: prompt BH, or non-axisymmetric rotating hypermassive NS. (In earlier G=2 results, hypermassive NS were more axisymmetric.) Mass threshold for a prompt BH formation : » 2.7M¯ for SLy, »2.5M¯ for FPS. Dynamics of merger does not depend on the the mass ratio, M1/ M2 =0.9-1. For BH formation case, disk mass depends weekly on the mass ratio, M1/ M2 =0.9-1, Mdisk < 1% . For BH formation case, J/M2 of BH is , hence QNM» kHz.

4 Hypermassive NS as a strong GW and neutrino emitter.
Non-axisymmetric rotating hypermassive NS is a strong emitter of quasi-periodic GW around kHz. Effective GW amplitude will be hf = 1.8£10-21, (dE/df/1051 erg/Hz)1/2 , 100Mpc/r . ) Hypermassive NS collapses to BH in <100 ms, since GW emission carries J away. Neutorino cooling may not govern the collapse, since its emission timescale is 1»10 s, although it is a strong neutrino emitter. (Outer region of HMNS is 10»20MeV, netrino energy flux » 1053.)

5 SLy EOS, 1.4M¯ -1.4M¯ merger.

6 SLy EOS, 1.3M¯ - 1.3M¯ merger.

7 SLy EOS, 1.25M¯ M¯ merger.

8 Summary We are getting close to produce reliable templete of the binary merger, connecting from the PN waveform to the merger waveform. If made a success to detect GW of BNS inspiral, it is important to look for GW around 3-4 kHz. ! Constrain EOS.

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