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“The Magic of Twitter”.

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1 “The Magic of Twitter”


3 1. 2. 3.

4 Link clicks a day: 3 109 104 91 71 71 43

5 Link clicks over 6 months: 553
Link clicks a day: 3 Link clicks over 6 months: 553 109 104 91 71 71 43

6 How many accounts saw our tweets every day?
1350 109 104 91 71 71 43

7 19 link clicks 9 profile clicks 76 total engagement 6.805 impressions

8 17 link clicks 71 total engagement 5.355 impressions 20 likes

9 39 link clicks 192 total engagement 7.145 impressions 46 likes

10 36 link clicks 195 total engagement 9.176 impressions

11 109 104 91 490 71 71 43

12 This happened with one simple tweet a day.

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